Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jack is 6!!

 Jack reeeaaally wanted a Barbie house, and as you can see, his wish is our command.  The really cute accessories are in a gallon Ziploc bag in our closet because they will kill Dorothy, but he loved it anyway.

All 3 boys put their party hats on right away when they woke up this morning and kept them on most of the day.  Sometimes I forget how little they are.
Harry was proud of the Ken he picked out for Jack

 Jack LOVES singing cards.
 LEGO Movie Wii U game, which Harry was totally excited about until he realized it meant we were asking him to share his beloved Wii U with Jack.  Then Jack opened his very own Wii U controller and Harry was all But Santa brought me the Wii U and we were all Santa would want it this way.
 Cooper was way into the gift opening.
 (and so was Jack)
 Buuut then Cooper realized none of the gifts were for him.
 UGLIEST cake ever but delicious and 6 layers, as requested.
 Also I ran out of pink frosting, and I only had enough to write 3 sixes around the cake.  6 6 6.  Erm.
 But still, even ugly melty breakfast cake is still CAKE.
 Dorothy wholeheartedly approves of this custom, BTW
 SO SWEET (and random floor bagel)
 Apres-breakfast bath
 Still party-hatted
 Picnic lunch at the park!  The freezing wind finally blew off their party hats, but they chased after them and brought them home in the stroller-- SO SWEET
 Finally enough courage for the twisty slide-- the big boys inspired him.
 IT WAS SO COLD.  I almost cried.
 After nap, we went to Sonic for fries and shakes at Jack's request.  He joined me in the front seat and insisted on pushing the button and placing our order AND waiting for the food so he could deliver it to the back seat.
 After Ben got home we went mini-golfing.  I lost.
 Jack gave us a puppet show on hole 12.
 And played giant basketball on hole 14.
 Stuck ball.
 Last hole!
 Big finish.

We went to our favorite birthday bar, where Jack bellied up and got his free  birthday beverage.  We were not paying any attention because we realized as we asked for 4 kids 'menus that we HAVE 4 KIDS, not 3 kids and a baby.  WOW.  Going out for a burger and a beer did not used to cost $80.

Jack took advantage of our reverie and ordered an ORANGE SODA.  WHAT THE HELL?  We are not children-drinking-soda (or adults drinking soda, for that matter) people.

 And yet. (Harrison was OUTRAGED, BTW.  We told him he can have one on his birthday, too, but he feels like we owe him 22 months of permissiveness since Jack got one at 6, and he will be 8 before he tastes the sweet nectar.)
 They were lovely and very well behaved.  Which is more than I can say for the rest of the table.
 Holding him is the only way to stop the destruction.
 While we took this picture, Cooper licked salt off the table.
 LOVED the ice cream sundae that comes with the kids' meal (seriously-- she ate grilled cheese, apple sauce, and everyone's pickle--none of it assisted or cut up-- she's a full-on person)

 And she finished Harry's sundae.
 But I am not sure her outfit will ever be the same.

All in all, not a shabby sixth birthday!


  1. I laughed out loud at "Santa would want it this way." Looks like a really fun birthday.

  2. Please feed that little girl...or don't take anymore photos of the gross mess that is made when she eats. I love all else you do and admire you for all that it takes to have 4 such little kids...put please, feed that baby the messy foods and let her learn on the stuff that doesn't smear all over her, clothes, furniture and floor.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I love how independent she is! It's so wonderful when they can start to do things themselves.

    And I LOVE your huge birthday days! So much fun for all of you. Happy birthday to Jack.

  4. I have found a small water bottle of diluted dish soap sprayed onto the messy clothes is like magic eraser. And you know how messy my Vivian is!!

    What a great birthday for Jack!

    And I for one love the messy baby pics. ;)

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I loooove that photo of you and your husband. You look gorgeous!
