Hello, friends. We are traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday and then catching up from traveling, so I am posting a favorite post from the first 8 years of Harry Times in my absence.
This post was originally published on Saturday, June 28, 2014
Thank you so much for your comments on my last post-- it was so helpful to read them all! We are going to meet with her on Monday and take it from there.
Speech issues, Harry's current effusion episode, ANOTHER sore throat and fever for Cooper (we see the ENT again next month), and the stress of managing our online classes aside, we have been having a fantastic summer.
Lemme show you a few pictures.
I am really enjoying low carb eating, but I could not bring myself to cut out fruit because I am cutting out processed sugar, and I need something sweet. I say "am cutting" because it is a process. Jack and I have had movie nights the last 2 nights, and I have definitely eaten a few M&Ms. But still. I am eating so many more vegetables and have been scrambling egg whites with arugula, onions, and tomatoes for breakfast, and OMG SO GOOD. Since we still have strawberries, this is my typical lunch (blue cheese crumbles and poppy seed dressing). Whole food is so pretty.
Dorothy got a bikini. As you can tell from the lip prints on her face, it makes me want to eat her up.
A little post-hockey, pre-rehearsal football.
Dorothy mastered the art of eating a popsicle. We;re so proud of her.
She looked too cute on her way to the doctor for her 15-month well-check. She's great, BTW. 50th percentile for weight and a freakish 80th for height.
Could I have picked a less attractive place to photograph her? Not possible.
Even though she has a huge personality, she sure is tiny.

This? Is the mess of a single ice cream cone.
But this? Is from a few measly M&Ms. I thought they were supposed to melt in your MOUTH. Also do you love her dive ring hat OR WHAT.
She's a risk taker.
Baby yoga.
Jack and I had fun at movie night. SO MUCH FUN that we are doing it again tonight. I can cross Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 AND the Croods off my movie bucket list. Phew!
Ridiculous pool selfie. I have spent so much time at the pool that I have read 3 books in 2 days.
Love this!
And this!
The best part? There's still so much summer left.