Harry chose his outfit the night before, and he woke up at 5:51 because he was so excited to get dressed.

He kept posing like this in front of the mirror.

I didn't get any good pics of the ceremony because they all had other people's kids in them, but here he is eating cake with gusto.

We did make one terrible mistake: we went out on the big kids' playground with Harry's class before the festivities, forgetting that Jack's classroom looks out on that playground and that Jack often goes to the window when he sees kids outside looking for Harry.
He saw us.
We waved.
He started screaming and crying.
I went into his class in time to see one of his teachers sitting down on the couch with a crying Jack and a thermometer.
"Me sick in my tummy, Mom," he said when he saw me. "Me go home."
His teacher looked shocked to see me because she did not see what happened at the window. "He's not sick," I said. "He saw me and Ben on the playground. We are here for Harry's graduation." How sneaky is he, though, to feign illness because he knew they'd call us?
I ended up taking Jack with us to graduation, and Ben took him back to his room before lunch, which caused him to lose his mind in a big way. He told us that his teacher "Ham" (Pam) helped him calm down when she hugged him and told him to "make a deep breath." Pretty cute.
When I was putting Harry to bed, I asked him what he thought of graduation. "It was okay," he said. "But I didn't get to make a speech."
Aww, he wanted to be like you! I love that!!!
ReplyDeletePoor Jack. Wes goes nuts if he sees me during the school day too.
Congrats to Harry!
he'll be a speech champion, like Mommy and Dada....Bomma