Saturday, November 12, 2022


THIS IS HOW I FEEL. Disheveled. Food on my face. GOING SOMEWHERE I DON’T WANT TO GO, metaphorically anyway.

We are headed into the really for real busy time of the semester— the grading, the meetings, the scheduling next semester, the loose ends— ALL OF THE THINGS. Plus also it’s the holidays. zOMG.

This outfit though, am I right?



  1. That outfit is the bomb. Why don't they make these adorable clothes in adults sizes OR, when they do come in adult sizes, how come they always look ridiculous on me.

  2. This time of the semester is dreadful. Preach it.

  3. She's adorable! Hang on regarding the end of semester, I remember it all too well (from the student perspective), and I have family that teach, so I know how much work it is.

  4. Kids really have the best expressions :)

  5. Hope you can enjoy. the season even though it is so busy
