Wednesday, November 02, 2022


We had the most wonderful night! Being a scary witch and getting candy was absolutely everything Minnie wanted it to be, and she adored ringing doorbells. Jack’s sweet, funny friends came over and took Dorothy and Cooper trick-or treating with them. Harry stayed home to answer the door until Ben, Minnie, and I came home, and then he left to hang out with friends. We all ate ourselves sick on candy and are basically already over it. Fun for all.

Listen, if that perfectly mundane paragraph that is a paragraph only because it is a bunch of sentences paginated like a paragraph, not because it is constructed mindfully or anything like that didn’t tell the whole story, here is is again in randomly uploaded pictures (**shakes fist at Blogger*)

Ben and I felt like grandparents because we can’t even remember taking just one kid around.
SO MANY TREATS!!! (All gone by the end of the night)
A shot of fireball to start our night
This was Minnie at 3:30 pm immediately after waking up from nap. SHE WAS READY.
Dorothy, at the end of the night
Minnie, at the end of the night
The happiest little witch
When she was done, she came home to eat M&Ms and play blocks
Fun size treats:
High schoolers suiting up
Minnie, just creeping in the laundry room FOR HOURS
Reluctant pizza
Full size treats! And also juice boxes for the thirsty trick-or treaters toward the end of the night.
Zombie Dorothy, fresh out of the make up chair
The whole gang. Minnie was TERRIFIED of Cooper.
She collected candy and leaves.
So many leaves.
For some ungodly reason, elementary schoolers got out of school at 11:25 am on Halloween, so these guys ran to Costco with Minnie and me and were THRILLED to get their first pieces of trick-or-treat candy.
We played Payday for hours to help with the pre-candy anticipation hijinks.
ToT crew
Middle kids
Witch in action
Treats for grown ups
… aaaaaaand nursing a witch


  1. Those last two pictures sum up why I love reading here - nursing a witch and adult treats. Reading about your Halloween just added the biggest smile to my day.
    What a fun event for your family and I love all the details and costumes and the pictures of Minnie ready at 3:30 pm are so relatable. Love it all.

  2. Halloween is not such a big thing here in Germany and I can't really get behind it but it sure looks like you and your family had a lot of fun. And that is best about t, right?
