Sunday, November 29, 2020

Christmas intentions

 I want to set intentions for this season because the fourth trimester has ended, and I need to get back into my health and fitness routine and make more space for work. I thought that NaBlo would help with the latter, but we all know I have been faking this thing. So, here are my daily practices for this season:

1.100 crunches everyday (I started this on Friday, and I can feel my abs again! And they hurt)

2. Yoga everyday (maybe this will be a video of some sort-- maybe it is just a couple of sun salutes-- whatever works)

3. No snacking after dinner (a hard one, to be sure)

4. All spring class prep done before the semester ends (SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE)

5. Read. EVERYDAY. (I am slipping out of this habit, and it is making me sad)

6. Watch at least 14 terrible holiday movies on Netflix (or another streaming service-- this does not count my usual holiday faves, and Netflix is really the best becauee they HAVE SO MANY GENRES.

Here's a baby tax: Minnie helping me grocery shop:

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