Wednesday, July 12, 2017

BRB. Readin.

 As you can see, the kids are really comfortable with library story time.  Actually, next week is the last session of the summer, and I don't know if we will be able to go in the fall because Dorothy is in school 5 mornings a week, and our afternoons are committed to dance and the Little Gym.  But if I thin of next Tuesday as my last time taking my little sweet babies to library story time, I am going to lose my shit for sure.

So, I am doing that thing where I just tamp down my feelings and neglect dealing with it, which has also caused chaos on my bookshelf.
 Jack!  Graduated from swim lessons!
He kept nagging me about whether or not I thought he would pass, and he has hd like 8 days of a 5-week swim lesson session because of the pool heater being broken and generally bad weather, and I finally snapped at him and said no one was going to pass any levels this session.  And he almost cried.  AND THEN HE PASSED.  I am the worst.  And now, all he has to do is lounge by the pool while the other chumps (his sister and brother) swim.  Still dive lessons, though.  Because I need a little while to read my book in relative peace.

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