Monday, February 12, 2024

Weekly intentions

 Goals is too strong a word here.

This week, I want to: 

1. Work in my office. So quiet! So neat! So chore-free. 

2. Lean into my late Mondays and be extra productive until 7:30 when dive practice is done.

3. Work at a coffee shop at least once this week. Elisabeth mentioned this the other day, and I realized coffee shop working has been absent from my year so far, too!!

4. Have a pre-Vday date with Ben and make a cute heart-shaped grab-and-go dinner for the kids’ busy Wednesday nights.

5.Finish the course shell for the extra online course I have starting in March.

6. Walk more miles than I walked last week

7. Read my 2 library books and return them!!

That’s a lot for just one week, but I feel like looking at this list will keep me focused. OR it will make me feel bad for dropping so many balls. **shrug**

Check out the mom orangutan at our zoo trying to take a nap sitting up under a fitted sheet while her toddler swung upside down right above her head. RELATABLE CONTENT. (Also I want to invite that toddler over for a play date).


  1. Oh, that last orangutan picture! SO relatable!

    I hope you realize all your weekly intentions--all of them sound like a combination of industriousness and also self-care.

  2. Love the weekly intentions. I am trying to find a way to work at a coffee shop again this week but we ARE SUPPOSED TO GET MORE STORMS so I am bracing for snow days which I really don't want but...such is life. I lived the heck out of the last one, but think I only had enough oomph for one like that.

  3. Ooohhh...weekly intentions! Maybe I should start doing that.

    Weekly intention #1: Try not to cower under a sheet because of responsibilities.

  4. I have some intentions for this week but every time I think about them I am filled with intense resistance so we'll see what gets done.

  5. I can relate to the mama orangutan. Solidarity, sister.

    That is a lot of stuff for one week! I'm mostly feeling salty that the valentines I made this weekend at the library are in a diaper bag that was left at my MIL's by my husband yesterday... so now I have to make them again w/ our limited art supplies... le sigh.

  6. Lol, mama orangutan. Very relatable.

  7. Ich bin ein mutti orangutan (I probably mangled that, German friends - what I mean is, we are all this mama orangutan)

    Good luck with your intentions. I don't think I have any at all, other than do my yoga, do my push ups, take my walks, do the job, do the shopping, do the cooking (leftovers tonight!), read the books, watch Friends repeats with my daughter and husband (I think we're on season 6 now). In other words, pretty much like every week.

    January for me was much about relaxing after the busy of November and December. Now I'm starting to think I'd like to leave the house and do something fun, so I need to figure out what that might be.

  8. We have 5 b-ball games this week. One every night. Thursday's is a fundraiser that my kids are involved in at their school. It's a staff vs student b-ball game with a bake sale to raise funds for the Global Humanitarian Club, so that means I need to get some baking done. My goal is to get some laundry done, get some writing done (writing group last night spurred me on to write more!), get the baking done, and the usual - make the offspring help with some of the housework.

    Reading two books at once is beyond me. Working in an office that is quiet and away from all the chaos at home sounds amazing. Good luck with your week.

  9. Oh right, goals. I should have some? Okay, I guess I do, I just haven't written them down or really articulated them. I went out for dinner with friends last night, one I hadn't seen in person in almost TWENTY YEARS. Today I am doing yoga even though I don't want to. I ordered a nice dinner from a cafe we like for Valentine's Day tomorrow. More yoga and exercise, resolve to not suck at work, talk Eve through a crazy week before coming home for Feb break and help my husband find a recipe for Valentine's Dinner Guys Cook night.
