Monday, February 05, 2024

Adulting, whining about adulting, DIY preschool Valentines

 Well, after publishing an ambitious February list, I am here to tell you that I have done NOTHING on that list despite devoting some serious time to admin tasks.

(It always takes me SO LONG to do the simplest tasks because I can never find things like stamps or my checkbook).

 I did pay some super annoying medical bills from last year that Ben’s FSA card didn’t cover because he switched jobs and mine also didn’t cover because it started 1-1. **shakes fist at badly time December illness** Also! When I first started working at the university, health care was TOTALLY FREE for employees. We still have good insurance (5 childbirths with ZERO out of pocket costs, for example), but things started to creep up— first monthly premiums, then co-pays, now max out of pocket expenses and co-insurance, and it is all the sudden $45 to go to urgent care and be swabbed for all of the things. 

I also paid for the boys’ AP tests (every year when I make that payment I get pre-emptively pissed at them for not getting college credit, but then they do— but I probably just jinxed this year’s tests LOL), sent in my check for Harry’s super embarrassing yearbook tribute (**rubs hands together like a cartoon villain**), and sent a message to my doc asking her to order all labs before my check up so we can discuss the results.

Very adult-y things.

I also looked at my list and thought about dong stuff, so that counts.

I kind of don’t want to schedule a massage until after my mammogram next week because what if I need a follow up and it seems like I am the topping fate to fill the rest of my calendar that week, you know? IT MAKES SENSE IN MY HEAD.

Anyway, apropos of nothing, Minnie an I made the cutest preschool Valentines last week after school. SO easy! Less than $20! (Would be even cheaper if you had envelopes lying around, but we did not) And so darling!

I took a bunch of pics of her in this fancy Costco dress she insisted on buying but never wants to wear:

And made my faves into a collage with the Layout app, which I printed at Walgreens for 40% off because Walgreens always has a photo coupon
Her teacher sent home a photo roster for class so we could have access to everyone’s names and suggested sticking the pictures on our valentines so kids could pass them out independently. One pack of A6 envelopes and a roll of heart stickers later, we had the cutest v-day cards


  1. Oh my gosh those ARE the cutest Valentines ever! I love that the little kids are going to pass our Valentines to one another. So sweet!

    Sounds like you are Getting Things Done. Simply because I am always afraid that I am Doing Things Wrong, what kinds of labs are you having your doctor order in advance? And are you doing them for A Reason or because you always get them at this checkup? I am being so nosy I'm sorry! Please feel free to ignore this entire question.

    I am also due for my annual mammogram, and scheduled it for the day I had mentally earmarked to get myself a massage (the day before my birthday) and I should just call back and change the date so I can enjoy a birthday massage but I feel dumb.

    1. UGH— it’s a new doc and her nurse has already told me she prefers to order labs at the visit which made me roll my eyes so hard. I just wanted thyroid and cholesterol.

    2. Okay gotcha. Thank you for indulging my curiosity! Dealing with a new doctor is always... something. I hope you hit it off and have a great therapeutic relationship!

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I like the way out school district does AP exams - they are paid for by the district and students only pay for them if they decide not to take the test

  3. Those are such sweet Valentine's. Though I'm the Scrooge that kinda hates school Valentine's things. So much wasted paper and little trinkets that just end up in the trash, mostly; it always makes me a bit angsty. But I know it's fun so I try to grin and bear it. My kids do paper Valentine's and that is IT (remember, I'm a Scrooge), but I'm amazed at how elaborate some of the Valentine's items get each year!

    1. I am Scrooge-y on the candy for littles, but Dorothy is in her last year of elementary school, and she is SO looking forward to one more big gaudy goody bag. Minnie’s teacher said JUST CARDS no toys or candy, and it is part of a post office/candy shop unit.

  4. The whole medical insurance thing is crazy. My husband hasn't changed jobs in 21 years. And our coverage continually gets worse. We no longer have co-pays, so sick visits we end up paying a ton for unless we have met the deductible. Which means I didn't take the kids unless I truly believe it is something the doctors can actually help with (need antibiotics, stitches, it a cast). And then the FSA/HSA company constantly wants copies of receipts when we use the card to pay at an office.

    1. The FSA receipt thing drives me bonkers. Like, what exactly could I be using this card for AT THE DOCTOR that isn’t covered??

  5. Don't get me started on health insurance. Our insurance has changed over the years as far as what they cover and since it was still BCBS, I never recognized a difference until HOLY SMOKES the bills. It is so frustrating. Co-pays used to be $20 and now I think they are $80. Do I sound like I'm 80 years old?

    Those cards are super cute. I love it. I like that the teacher gave you photos of the kids. There was a boy named Erving in my class and everyone got he and I mixed up because we had a few letters the same. That annoyed me to no end. This was in 3rd grade, mind you.

    1. YES, the creeping copay’s are so annoying, I LOLed at your memory of name mix ups, but that’s a cute name for a 8 y/o

  6. Those Valentines are so so cute! Way better than the cheapie Yoda ones we bought at Target although at least they were on sale! And ugh, health insurance is such a hassle!!

    1. I bought yoda paper plates and cups and bday favors for her school half birthday— she cannot get enough yoda!

  7. Such cute Valentines!
    Any time I hear about medical insurance in the US, I feel grateful to not have to deal with that. It sounds like such a headache!

  8. I LOVE your DIY Valentines!!! And that's such a cute idea the teacher had, to stick the kids' photos on the cards- so Minnie can hand them out herself. So, so cute. Valentine's Day is not my favorite holiday but I do miss when the kids were little and exchanging Valentines in school.

    1. Yes, little kid Vday is darling.

  9. So much Valentine's Day dislike in these comments. Elisabeth and Jenny! What are you saying? This is PRIME TIME for snail mail! If you send someone a Valentine's Day card, it just makes sense. This is the time of year for me to shine, obviously. And, Sarah, way to go turning that into a fun little project for Minnie to go crazy with the stickers!

    1. LOL— your time to shine with snail mail— love it!

  10. We switched insurances last year and in December got a super fun 4 digit bill for an MRI that wasn't covered because we hadn't met the stupid deductible. Thank goodness I figured it out AFTER open enrollment, when I could have changed to a better/cheaper option (SMH)

    1. This is an area of adulting that I truly suck at. I am convinced I could be doing a better job, but all the options are overwhelming.

  11. HOW CUTE!!! I want to do it with R or L or both then send them to their aunties. **adds to the list**

  12. I'm still stuck on "printed them at Walgreens" because... huh. I cannot remember the last time I printed a photo. Says the woman with precisely (*looks around*) zero children, LOL.
    (That said, my storage closet is, essentially, full of *duplicate photos* from back in the day... WHY oh WHY did I do that to future me? I will be throwing out photos for years...)
