Tuesday, February 06, 2024

I made my to-do list into IG performance art, and I liked it.

 Convo I had with myself in the car driving home from a successful shopping experience on Sunday afternoon: On the one hand, fast fashion is the WORST. On the other hand, Old Navy already made these jeans, so if they want to me take them home for $2.97, who am. I to say no?

This was my to-do list on Sunday

Honestly? I didn't want to do ANY OF IT, especially since Ben was sick, so I put this slide on IG and tried to document my day for a bit of accountability.

I had groceries and Target picked up by 8:20 am and enlisted kids to unload and sort the haul while I really fast tidied bedrooms and bathrooms, hoping to get out the door by 9:15 for swim lessons. I hit a stumbling block because I forgot that Harry hosted 7 dude bros for a poker night in his bedroom and we just went to sleep and left the table and chairs in the middle of his room, the brownies I made on top of his fridge, etc etc etc. He was at work and couldn't help, so I had to rally sick Ben. 

By this point, we were definitely going to be late for lessons, so I called Goldfish and got her bumped to a 10am slot. Ben and I got coffees at a favorite local spot (only he got tea because SICK) and headed to class.

Minnie played happily with the toys in the lobby but then decided she did not want to stay for class.

So we went home because I am not going to force her to swim/ have her scream and cry all over the place, etc.

And I crossed it off my list because we were there!

We needed five lunches for Monday-- 2 for Coop (one for school and one for after diving practice), 2 for Dorothy (one for school and one to eat at dance between classes) and one for Minnie (who had a bonus lunch bunch because I had a weirdly timed meeting), so I packed them during the lunch hour since everything was a mess anyway.
I was wearing my favorite beat up Target junior jeans (you know, that Wild Fable teenage brand?) and they are THE BEST because they're so comfy I can do yoga in them (no stretch, just super lived-in feeling). And! Yoga was so great I stayed in my mat to write.

Every weekend, I procrastinate on updating our calendars because I am just not ready to face the onslaught of the week to come. In a perfect world, I would look at the calendar on FRIDAY and meal plan/start a grocery cart then-- something I am working on.
Minnie and I spent a lovely pre-dinner hour at Old Navy combing the clearance rack. I bought myself $3 jeans, a $7 dress and a sweatshirt that was not marked down and ended up costing as much as those 2 items, plus boots and 3 dresses for Minnie. 
I multitasked by reading my book while walking 4 miles (LOVED IT and read it in the time it took to walk 4 miles-- just under an hour. Because when I put finish my book on my list, I meant the rando Kindle thriller I was reading, but then I remembered that I needed to read this one-- that I hadn't started yet-- by MONDAY for a MEETING. Yikes!

The new dinner recipe was kind of meh. It called for roasted peppers, but I forgot them and had to use a bag of frozen chopped green peppers, so I think the blandness was on me (I did sautee the hell out of those peppers, tho)

Ben saw a commercial for this truly bananas Barbie set that features a dog who births puppies, so I bought it because OF COURSE I DID. Minnie is a fan; the rest of us are vaguely horrified.

Here she is modeling her fast fashion finery #fullcircle


  1. That dress is too cute. I would 100% wear it.

    I think small aesthetic things MATTER. So making a to-do list pretty resonates with me. I wish I was a better "doodler" because I think it would be divine to have a super funky/beautiful to-do list. But I can barely draw a legible stick person, so that is just not in my wheelhouse.

    1. I would wear that dress, too. She says it feels like a nightgown, and isn’t that a good fashion goal??

  2. I SAW YOUR TO-DO LIST ON IG! I feel like I got a whole jump on this post. That is a BUSY day and I hear you about the fast fashion, etc. I am in the same boat, girlfriend.

  3. You do more in a day than I do in a week.

    Mattel must be making bank on that dog because Carla has had one for YEARS. It is slightly disturbing. More disturbing, for me, is the dog that POOPS. Do you have that one yet?

    Minnie is, per usual, adorable.

    1. The dog! IS SO WEIRD. Minnie goes OH SHE POPS OUT THE PUPPIES and I was like OMG worst message ever thanks Mattel. BIRTH IS NOT LIKE THAT.

  4. Being able to do yoga in jeans speaks volumes about their comfort. Wow. I should tidy the bedrooms and bathrooms. Maybe that's what we are missing - my involvement, because expecting the kids to do that on their own is apparently not a thing. I hate making a new dinner and not being impressed with the end result. Barbie's birthing dog - what will they think of next.

    1. My kids do it first usually but their standards are lower than mine!!

  5. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I bought that Barbie for my daughter for Christmas off Amazon because it was super on sale. We had no idea it birthed puppies: surprise!

  6. There's nothing an individual can do about fast fashion in the modern world. Not to go all last season of The Good Place up in here, but just like my individual boycott of the NFL won't accomplish anything, my individual research into ethical clothing companies won't accomplish anything, either. It's not until the majority of people start making changes that the big giant companies will pay attention. So, do with that what you will.

    1. Agree. I am doing my part to not follow fast fashion influencer links (I read a thing about how IG influencer culture has resulted in a huge uptick in fast fashion waste), but I am just one person.

  7. Love all these outings with Minnie and all her new poses!

  8. That is a serious list to accomplish! And yoga in jeans! Wow. I am amazed!!

  9. I honestly am so impressed that you find time to read and blog with all the things on your daily to-do list. I am glad to read that someone else still shops in the junior section at Target LOL

  10. Um, I'm shorter than short and it honestly has never occurred to me to shop the Target juniors section. Mind. Blown. I shall consider it the next time I am there and have the patience to venture into the clothing section. (NB: Usually I do not have the patience, LOL.) Also? re: fast fashion - I know part of the ethical argument relates to the conditions under which such clothing is manufactured, and I get that. But I keep my stuff from ON and Target for YEARS. And if I do wind up not liking something, then I donate it. So... is that truly "fast fashion"? Hmmm...
    Also, Minnie? Love that kid's personality+++++.
