Friday, February 23, 2024

5 on A Friday: Morning Face Routine (8/52)

 Hi! I realized the other day that I am loving my current morning face routine, so I thought I’d memorialize it here.

1. WASH MY FACE: I do not use a lot of water here, guys, so I cannot relate to the face washing angst and the big wrist towel things I see on IG. I start by pumping a pump of this cleanser into damp hands, working it into a lather, and gently coating my face. Then I get a wash cloth wet and wring it out. I use the wet cloth to gently wipe the soap away. We are talking DAMPNESS here, not wetness and splashing, etc. (I use this same stuff to wash my face at night in the shower, and I do not need an additional makeup remover).

$10, and I have an Amazon subscribe and save for this— I keep a bottle in my bathroom closet, a bottle in the shower, and a bottle in the boys’ shower because it’s great for all faces. 

2. Hyaluronic acid serum: I use Lancôme’s brand of this, but you can get this kind of anti-aging serum across brands and price points. I got hooked on this one in a holiday gift box and haven’t looked back— just a teeny bit makes my whole face feel smooth. I apply right away to a damp face.

3. Azelaic acid: Also a redness fighter, and I use this mostly around my nose and mouth if I have some rosacea going on.

4. Primer: LOVE THIS ONE even though the scent makes me think I should never ever look it up on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database.  I could put this over OR under my moisturizer, but I like to use it first **shrug** I don’t wear foundation or anything like that, so I am only priming my face for more moisture. Sometimes. I do lotion first and then mix this stuff with my favorite Tarte BB cream as a final layer. It is perhaps thicker than I like a moisturizer to be, so I like to use a thin layer under moisturizer or mix with the Tarte stuff. I never like to feel like anything is sitting on top of my skin.

Also— I took pics of all of these things yesterday while I was getting dressed, but only 3 ended up in my photo library (???) or my camera roll (???) and Ben is sleeping in our room right now, so it would be SO RUDE to recreate the moment.

5. Moisturizer. I do not LOVE love this one, but the price is good, and there is nothing bad about it. My skin looks good. It sinks right in, and it has SPF. What else do I need?
This whole routine, from wash to the final swipe of lotion, takes less than 2 minutes. In just under 4 minutes, I can brush my teeth and wash my face— so there’s no excuse for me to be under groomed at school drop off. I definitely have 4 minutes. 5 if I floss!

BONUS: I use an eye cream and The Ordinary caffeine solution on my eyes morning and night. In the AM I use this Lancôme eye cream, but I also have a subscribe and save order for this Neutrogena one for nighttime. 


  1. I am here for these details, Sarah. I also use the Neutrogena rapid repair and the Ordinary (love the Ordinary) caffeine solution. I like the Ilia tinted face serum, I used to be a hardcore BB cream user (from IT cosmetics, I haven't tried Tarte) but I really love Ilia.

    1. ooooh-- a tinted serum sounds lovely.

  2. I use the Ordinary caffeine solution because it's inexpensive and it seems like everyone uses it. But I don't know if it does anything and it makes my skin feel oily. Oh, well.

    I don't understand the angst about washing faces, either. It just doesn't seem like a tough thing to me, but while water on my face isn't one of my many sensory issues, I don't just other people for theirs. LOL.

    1. YARN-- I hate dirty yarn-- so no blankets in the car, etc,-- that's my biggest sensory issue.

  3. I need to up my face care game, obvs! I use one product TOTAL right now and that is coconut oil. But I really should start using some retinol I'm sure...

    I hate washing my face. I don't care if it's not even the slightest bit wet, I just hate the process. HATE IT!

    1. ooooh I use it in my hair-- love it.

  4. I'm on team Elisabeth, very minimalistic about my skin care. Partially because I have rosacea and everything seems to irritate my skin. But I think if I tried harder and maybe got some expert advice, my skin could look so much better. I'm intrigued by these anti-redness products you're mentioning!

    1. the whole aveeno calming line is great for my rosacea

  5. Hmmm. I have an Ulta gift card and maybe I need to spend it on the Lancome hyalauronic acid serum...

    1. i love it. and it helps my moisturizer last longer because I need less of it

  6. I've just been CeraVe and Neutrogena for so long now--I really should shake things up!

    1. CeraVe is SO good tho-- I have a subscribe and save order for the ointment and have been slicking Minnie down like a little seal since her birth

  7. I am definitely more on the minimal side too. I only use a micelles face wash and than add my cream. Somtimes add some hyoluron serum before.

  8. I had no idea that you were supposed to put serum and moisturizer on a damp face, I'm just dumbfounded.

  9. I really need to up my skincare game so love posts like this. I use a charcoal bar to wash my face in the shower in the morning and then mostly use a variety of beautycounter products. I want to try this caffeine product. My undereye circles are terrifying.

  10. Posts like this always make me feel like I missed something somewhere along the way. I wash my face with Dove bar soap and I use Oil of Olay lotion. Ta-dah. That's it. I don't wear much makeup, but when I do I remove it with a makeup wipe. I guess I'll just look a lot older than everyone else my age some day. I mean, maybe I already do and I'm just not paying attention.

    1. Ernie, I'm worse. I don't even use soap anymore. Moisturizer with SPF and then some additional unscented face lotion because... my skin likes it. LOL. I'm sure I look hideous but honestly, I missed the day when everyone learned about makeup and skin care. I just... never got it. :)

  11. YESSSS, I love a good details post like this! I never even considered putting primer before my moistuizer. I think I may need to add that to my morning skincare routine.

    I love The Ordinary's azeleic acid. I ran out a while ago and need to buy more!

  12. Always appreciate a good skin routine post. Thanks for the recommendations. I also use The Ordinary products, but have not tried the Caffeine Solution. Is it good?

  13. See my comment to Ernie, above, about my pathetic skin routine. Which is, essentially, nonexistent. I missed an entire semester of "how to be a grown-up" for women, I think. Given my age, I suspect the likelihood of this changing is...close to nil. :)
