Saturday, November 25, 2023

Pic of the Week


It was a double ear infection Thanksgiving.

Minnie is on augmentin, which she hates and will only drink in chocolate milk— which is a pain because it takes something that is a 7mL sip and makes it a beverage event. Ben took her to urgent care the day before Thanksgiving when she woke up from a rare nap with a fever screaming that her ears hurt (only the only appointment he could get was EIGHT PM because OF COURSE), and then I took her back yesterday because she kept me up all night listening to her cough. (She seemed to sleep fine, but I was a nervous wreck). The pediatrician said she sounded great and even if she were to get pneumonia, she won’t because the antibiotic is super strong. So, yay? **yikes face** Also, her ears look great for day 3 of infection, especially since the urgent care doc recoiled when she looked at the left one. 

OH! AND! On Tuesday her doc called in a script for antibiotic eye drops because she woke up with both eyes crusted shut. I MEAN, CAN THE KID GET A BREAK??

TL;DR: Preschool is the best **eye roll** 


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Oh Minnie!!!! Poor little pie. Hope she feels all better soon.

  2. Poor baby--eyes and ENT! I hope your little darling is feeling and faring better soon.

    1. just a gross cough, but back to her old not crusty self

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    This is Lisa. Poor Minnie! Taco came down with a fever a couple of hours after we got to my brother’s on Thursday. He’s still running a fever so I am taking him to urgent care this am. So happy holiday weekend to all of us. :( I hope Minnie turns the corner soon. I have no clue what Will has. He has tubes in his ears so it’s not an ear infection. He’s had strep and influenza A. His Covid test was negative. What is left that would result in high fevers. I’m at a loss.

    1. oh no! I hope he is much better today

  4. Oh no. That's rotten. I remember hosting Thanksgiving a week before I delivered 10 lb Tank and Coach was working registry at the hosptial on Thanksgiving and Lad woke me up every hour and a half because he had an ear infection. Timing, right?

    She really got it from all angles. The picture really says it all. Poor thing. Of course she's still crazy cute and dressed perfectly.

    1. oooooof that sounds rough-- timing indeed!

  5. Awwww so sorry!!! Hope she feels better soon. Ugh ear infections...

    1. at least she can take meds for it! I hate the dreaded JUSTAVIRUS dx

  6. Oh no! Hope she feels better soon.

  7. This stinks. How does she manage to be sick and still ADORABLE? That dress and tights are so cute.
    Poor thing and poor you. Ugh. Hope the meds help quickly.

    When A had a really bad case of pneumonia years ago, the ER doc prescribed an AB that causes nausea. She could NOT get it/keep it down (she was 3). In the end we had to go back to the hospital to get a different AB (it was caramel and she LOVED it). I'm like: why can they not make them all taste good?

    1. I called the pharmacy, and they were like oh yeah sorry that one is terrible.

  8. I am so sorry Minnie is sick but that photo is totally adorable. Hope she feels better.

  9. Ugh. Poor thing. Here's to a successful round of antibiotics!

  10. Bah, humbug to infections! Poor kid. Cute picture though, and I hope that by now (Sunday morning) she is feeling MUCH better.

  11. Hope all is well by now. Being sick is so annoying and than at this age.
