Saturday, November 04, 2023

Silly shoes, perfect cookies

 I had coffee with an old friend on campus the other morning, and, because I am a very old lady, I had to duck into a building to pee on the way back to my office. Something about that bathroom's smell-- nothing particularly disgusting, just a very old bathroom in a random academic university building smell-- made me instantly nostalgic for my college speech tournament days. 

Specifically, I had a sharp memory of being in a stuffy bathroom at Illinois State University in that drowsy, early evening time after the final rounds of competition but before the awards ceremony started. I was with my friend Jamie and a couple of other girls from my team, and we were standing on the bathroom floor in our pantyhose, taking a break from our tall, cheap heels. I remember how badly the balls of my feet ached and how good the warm, grimy bathroom tiles felt on them as we stood there smelling the odor of feet finally released from pleather and wet paper towels and heating vent dust in our tight suits and control-top hose, exhausted after a long day of competition but still excited for awards, the van ride home, a party or two on the horizon.

Sometimes when I am at work, I miss being young so much the feeling overwhelms me. 

Sometimes I am so happy to be 25 years older but still clomping around a college campus in high heels and pretty skirts, ducking into lecture halls to speak-- only this time no one is judging me, and getting paid for it.

I would absolutely not be in a public bathroom in my stocking feet any more, and I wondered the other morning from the depths of my nostalgia why that is. Maybe because as an adult, I clean bathrooms and know just how dirty they are. Or maybe I would be if I still spent 12+ hour days three-to-five spindly inches taller and walking miles.

I clomped around in these the other day:

I bought them JUST IN TIME for snow. Cool.

I also accessorized with pink lipstick, but I ate a huge apple, and calamity ensued
I FNALLY made THE COOKIES, and they were so great I had to make another batch 18 hours later. You gotta make these, you guys (I didn’t modify the ingredients, but I did make 30 small cookies and modify the cook time)


  1. Oh this was so lovely to read. Scent memory can be so transportive.

    The shoes and lipstick are amazing. And hooray for The Cookies!

    1. THANK YOU for sharing THE COOKIES— so great

  2. Things we did in our youth that are now so strange that we never would do them. But memories are fun and they come at the most weird places – like bathrooms.

  3. The pink Mary Janes!!! They're awesome :). Love how smells can transport us. "Sometimes when I am at work, I miss being young so much the feeling overwhelms me." SAME!

    1. It’s hard to be around all those babies pretending to be grown ups and not be jealous— college was the best time, in retrospect

  4. LOVE, absolutely LOVE those shoes. I was a crop tank kind of girl (ugh) and I head they are making a comeback. Totally appropriate for high school classroom, right? ;P

  5. I told you those cookies were a dream! I loved everything about this today, Sarah. THOSE SHOES MY GOD THOSE SHOES. I love them. Also, the description of the bathroom. I can feel it. I used to wear control top pantyhose and heels every day, and I remember sprinkling powder in my shoes so there wouldn't be a foot odour problem (do you remember that episode of Seinfeld, with Frank Costanza? "I HAVE A FOOT ODOUR PROBLEM"). Anyway, love it, also, that is the cost of eating unsliced apples.

    1. Oh yes the foot powder!!!! We used to make little white footprints all over our hotel rooms

  6. LOVE the shoes. How fun. Really, this post made my day :)
    Also, I GET THE FEELS FOR UNIVERSITY ALL THE TIME. We walk to school via a university campus and one building we walk by smells just like my campus library and it makes me almost want to cry. Like I miss that snapshot in time...a lot. And it's just such a vivid memory for me, tied to scent.

    And those cookies are one of my all-time favs. My husband told me just this week: I would not be sad if you made a batch of those every other day. I didn't take the hint, but I agree. SO. FREAKING. GOOD!

    1. College was so wonderful— that’s pretty much why I never left

  7. Oh you made THE COOKIES! I've made them once this year but maybe I'll make them again this weekend.
    I love those shoes so much... from a nice distance. I would never, ever be able to wear them. My feet just wouldn't tolerate them. You are definitely a Very Cool Mom!

  8. OMG, Sarah. Those SHOES. I cannot pull off those shoes. No way, no how. But also? This, this is me, too: "Sometimes when I am at work, I miss being young so much the feeling overwhelms me." Every time I work with the undergrads, I am struck by their full embrace of life. And...their inability to dress for the weather. ;) (See Suzanne's post from today for more on #2... )

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      It's hard to surrounded by college kids all day ;)


  9. Those shoes! Wow. That's a fashion statement. I refuse to wear heels that hurt anymore (but I did find a very nice pair of black pumps a couple of years ago that I can actually wear for a few hours without having to find relief for my aching feet from a public bathroom floor LOL)

    Oh, but the memories of our youth. I can get very nostalgic too. Sigh. We didn't savor these times enough when we lived them.

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      They're pretty comfy-- I think it is the platform and the thick heel

  10. Oh youth...sigh. I miss it more than you do, being as how I am older than you, and isn't it funny how a scent can bring you right back to such a specific time and place? SIGH again.

    You all with these cookies. I don't even really eat cookies, and I am feeling the need to make these. I think I will bake some and give them away on my buy nothing group, to keep me from eating them all myself.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Is that how it works? Will I just keep missing it more and more? **sob**

  11. This is awesome and so relatable. Not because I teach in a college, but I was visiting Mini at her college yesterday (across the street from my college) and it always takes me back.

    I was thinking recently about the bathrooms in my Catholic grammar school. There were towel dispensers, that had a loop of an actual towel thing - you were meant to pull on it, and new towel would come down and dirty towel would roll back up. More often than not, the towel thing would jam or wouldn't rotate, maybe it was out of fresh area. At any rate, gross. How did we all survive all those germs?

    The shoes make a statement. So cute.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Oh the gross towel thing!!!! I remember those from my childhood too (Sarah but I can't log in on my phone)

  12. Those cookies are amazing. I LOVE them when they're huge and gooey in the middle and I love when I make smaller ones and they are soft and cakey. I think they need twice as many chocolate chips as the recipe calls for, though!

    1. I was skeptical, but they are amazing

  13. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Catching up on what I missed during our busy weekend and I too have an odd amount of nostalgia for stinky college bathrooms. I work for an online college now so haven't been back on campus since the pandy but maybe I should drive over to UCF to see some friends and go to the bathroom in one of my old lecture halls??? 😂
