Saturday, November 18, 2023

Pic of the week

 On Tuesday, I worked and worked during preschool hours so Minnie and I could spend the afternoon at the children’s museum. She asked to go last week, and she talked about it every single day until Tuesday arrived. She chattered all morning about which exhibits she’d visit first (did she want to play with the cow in the barn before she painted on the window? What about the water room? Did she want to bring her coat to the outdoor playground?), and she told me on the way there (I even picked her up a few minutes early from school so we would have plenty of time to play before we had to be home for Dorothy who is dismissed BEFORE 3 PM because fml) that she at lots of snack at school because she wanted to play first and then eat our picnic.

We found a parking spot right in front of the museum, and as I fed the meter, Minnie said OH I HO EXCITED. I BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS ALL DAY. She held my hand and skipped up the front door of the children’s museum. She tugged and tugged on it, trying so hard to open it, and I let her try for as second before I helped her (otherwise she would FREAK OUT and make me close the door so she could try again by herself), but the door was locked tight. BECAUSE THE MUSEUM IS CLOSED ON TUESDAYS. **head desk**

She was sad for a minute, but she rallied with a promise to come back on Thursday and try again, a trip to the awesome downtown branch of our library, and a picnic on the Capitol lawn where we appreciated that October lent November its bright blue weather for a few days.

On the way back to the car, she waved at her reflection in restaurant windows and said HI MINNIE as she passed by.

Crisis averted!!!



  2. In awe of Minnie's ability to avert the crisis herself even though she had been HO excited about it all day. Such a sweet moment!

    1. she's so sunny and sweet as a general rule

  3. Oh no. Closed. Good thing you could still have a nice afternoon.

  4. Minnie is just too cute. That reflection picture is just one of the most darling moments I think you've ever captured.

    And I have DONE THIS EXACT SAME THING (more than once). It is such a letdown.

    1. such a letdown-- as soon as I saw the sign I was like OH NO I REMEMBER THAT

  5. Noooo!!! Dang, I hate when that happens. Shoot. You can tell she in the youngest of a small crowd, because she rebounded so quickly. Hope Thursday is downright amazing.

    1. definite advantage to being the youngest of a whole bunch

  6. Oh my gosh, this post had some high highs and some LOW lows! I am so glad she rallied after such an intense disappointment! Kids can be so resilient.

  7. Oh boy, I know those crises. "Always have a plan B" was my motto, and it looks like you embraced that. And I love "I ho excited." Hee hee. I hope you get back to that museum SOON.

  8. I think this shows that some good parenting is going on. She was disappointed, but rebounded quickly. That is remarkable resilience and you should be so proud of yourself for creating a little human who has control of her emotions like that.

    1. aw, thank you! what a nice comment to read

  9. Did you make it on Thursday? Did I miss that post? I'm ho excited to find out! What a little muffin she is!

    1. we DID, and it was wonderful

  10. Excuse me while I time travel to Tuesday and bust the damned door down so Minnie can go in.

  11. Phew. I am glad Minnie was a good sport and ready to pivot...

  12. Oh man, what a bummer but WTG Minnie on being able to rally. Can she teach me how to self-regulate like that?!

  13. Go, Minnie. And seriously, go you for redirecting AND for raising such a resilient and amazing preschooler. I wish I could face changes in plans with such equanimity. :)
