Friday, November 03, 2023

5 on a Friday: NaBloPoPlans Edition



I am linking up with San to pst EVERY SINGLE DAY in November, and I can’t wait. I have a few goals this month:

1. Meet new bloggers— always a huge perk of NaBloPoMo

2. Have a time capsule of my life right this moment— def my favorite thing about this exercise

3. Stay on top of all my comments. I never did this until I met the new crop of old school bloggers I am currently following, and I am sad I missed so many years NOT replying to comments.

4. Implement some more regular posts, so I don’t hav to struggle with invention. I already do 5 on a Friday, but I think I am going to add:

  • CASE OF THE MONDAYS, where I complain about my privilege (I mean, I am going to complain about things happening in my life, but sometimes I have the flash of awareness to understand that my problems are not real problems)
  • RANDOM WORD WEDNESDAY, where I will take a page from Engie’s book and let a random word generator guide my writing
  • GRATEFUL THURSDAY, where I will try to stop whining just once a week
  • PIC OF THE WEEK, a weekend post where I choose my favorite random snapshot from the previous week and tell you about it
That just leaves 2 measly days each week to come up with something original. CAN I DO IT??

5. Read MOAR BLOGS. I want to make sure I am keeping up with everyone else’s posts, too, without devoting my whole month to life on the interwebz.

 CAN IT BE DONE??? Read along and find out.

Previous NaBloPoMos on Harry Times:











2019 (I would say something snarky here, but my dad died in 2019, and I just could not even)





  1. Rarely comment (since I read so danged late) but love seeing that you are doing NaBloPoMo. I suspect you'll have plenty of blog fodder for the month. ;)

    1. Thanks :) And YES— lots going on around here

  2. I love what you hope to take from NaBloPO. reading new blogs and getting to know the people behind is definitely one of the great things. I also love that you will do those posts every week because that really will a snapshot of your life. Happy to follow along.

    1. I am also so glad to read along with you

  3. Ha ha! What if the random noun generator gives you the word hat?!

    1. I am excited for the randomosity

  4. I love that you've been flexing your NaBloPoMo muscle for so many years and I wish we had connected sooner. It's really nice to have a full month of posts for so many years.

    I think you came up with a great game plan. The random word generator prompt could be fun (or a desaster - but I guess we'll find out? :))

    1. I really do love my November archives

  5. First of all, I just want to officially say that I am SO GLAD I found your blog. Was it last year around this time? I really wish I had been reading along the whole time. (Time to archive surf, woot woot!) Also, I didn't know you when your dad died and I'm so sorry for your loss.

    LOVE your plan for getting through the week... and I may end up borrowing (with credit, of course) some of your ideas if I fall into a NaBlo rut. You are amazing and how you manage to do all the things you do and sleep seems impossible, but it also makes me certain that YOU'VE GOT THIS.

    1. I feel the same way about your blog!

  6. Oh yeah, you should definitely keep up with all the other blogs too in all your spare time HOW ARE YOU EVEN REAL SARAH, I will come sweep your floors to free up some time for you.

  7. Also, my Thursday series that I do sometimes is Surly Thursdays, where I save up all my petty complaints for Thursdays so I will be whining on your not-whining day, thanks for making me look like an asshole, hmph.

    1. LOL LOL LOL love Surly Thursdays— might steal

  8. **fingers crossed**

  9. You can do it!!! I love your planned themes. I've been trying to come up with something regular for Thursdays (typically my least favorite day of the week.). Grateful Thursday is good.

    1. I definitely borrowed it form someone, but I can’t remember who…

  10. I love the structure of it all. When I am stuck for ideas, I do "Meme Monday", "Wordless Wednesday", and "Throwback Thursday", though a "Thursday 13" list is kind of old school blog fun. I really like your ideas, and I love this community that San has brought together!

    1. Oooooh— Thursday 13- love these ideas.

  11. Wow, you've been involved in NaBloPoMo for a long time. Impressive. I'm sorry I didn't discover your blog sooner. From what I've seen, you won't need ANY help finding things to write about. I'm with Ali, "HOW ARE YOU EVEN REAL?" Five kids, one of which is 3, AND you teach at a college. Goodness.

    I never really knew what NaBloPoMo was and I'm also very excited to be meeting new bloggers and reading the great blogs that come with that.

    Also, I'm sorry about your dad's passing in '19. I didn't know you then but I can see how central family is to you and that must be very hard. XO

  12. I am so excited you're on the NaBloPoMo bandwagon! I always love reading posts from you! I really love the random noun generator idea. I think I'll borrow that if I ever get stuck on a blog post idea!
