Monday, May 20, 2024

I also have to know what people are EATING?!

 I mean, listen. Last night we had salmon burgers, corn, watermelon, and salad. Saturday, we were slated to have french toast casserole and made-to-order omelets in Jack's omelet maker, but Dorothy and Cooper invited a crowd for a water balloon fight, and we ended up feeding everyone Costco pizzas, chips, s'mores, etc. (Ben and I also ate salad).

Rain might disturb our routine for the next couple of nights (anyone else basically cancel all plans that require leaving the house when there's severe weather?), so I don't know when we will be home, etc. BUT. MEAL PLANNING DOES NOT WAIT FOR SCHEDULES. Here's what I can make:

Ham and swiss sliders on Hawaiian rolls

Slow cooker tomato soup with grilled cheeses (we did not eat this last week)

French toast casserole with eggs, fruit, etc.

Mini naan pizzas and salad

Black bean and cheese burritos

Shrimp tacos

I also have some Brussels sprouts that really need someone (me-- it's me) to cook them. Air fryer maybe? and a bag of spinach that probably wants to be a salad if it doesn't get eaten in omelet form.

Minnie got smacked in the eye with a water balloon and we thought for a second we might have to take her to urgent care, but otherwise, 12 kids and 1500 water balloons made for a super fun Saturday night. (Jack was on lifeguard duty, and Harry got the he ck out of here after getting attacked by 12 year old boys and taking a missile to the neck (that's what happens when your little bro has club baseball friends).

Like Harry, she was unprepared for the boys' enthusiasm. LOOK AT HER FOREHEAD AND CHEST.

 Tough little Minnie

My salad in a bag obsession continues.
Yes, our back yard IS all mud now-- why do you ask?

Dirty baby!
I sure do buy 2 or 3 of these at Costco on the regular-- that's normal, right?


  1. Oh, how fun!!! It's been a minute since we've had a water balloon fight, I miss those days!

  2. I love it when the kids throw impromptu parties! How cool of D and C!

    I do tend to set ground rules for rowdy parties like at Holi. NGL, I would be mad if my toddler got whacked by a 12-year-old.

  3. Wow, Minnie is a tough kid. I think both of my boys would be crying if they got hit by balloons by bigger kids! We are not the toughest stock over here, though!

    I made picadillo in the instant pot last night and Taco ate it so yay - another meal that 3/4 of us will eat. Tonight we will grill Greek turkey burgers for the adults when Phil gets home from t-ball with Paul. And then later in the week I will make a lentil soup which will use the Spinach that is leftover from making the greek turkey burgers (which have spinach, kalamata olives, and crumbled feta in them - they are so good).

  4. Well, hello - I have been TRYING to comment all weekend, but I was out of town and between my phone and my ipad, I got no cooperation. What the what? I was able to comment on some blogs, but some were giving me the business. So, I'm gonna comment on 3 posts here. Right now.

    1st off, I just recently learned of those water balloon easy fill up things and I wonder, am I the last to know? Your yard being full of mud is the sure sign that your house is the Congrats. So much fun.

    I think we fall under the Lisa category - I am less rattled by Reg's graduation than I was Lad's. I love that he was delivering small talk to adults and winning scholarships and possibly losing his cords. So very relatable. Reg has awards Thurs morning and graduation later that night. He wore his suit to prom and I just texted him to ask where the pants to it are. I assume he wore them home, but I wasn't awake when he got home. I'm thinking if he wants to wear that on Thursday, I might need to drop it off at the cleaners. Also, not sure where he put his cap and gown and he has, you know, a tough time remembering stuff, so we need to prioritize finding that.

    It must be so strange to be preparing to live in two different states from your husband. Yikes. I'm sure it will be an adjustment, but you have a great sense of humor and I'm confident that you will start clicking away at the new family dynamic and laugh whenever something attempts to throw you off course. Good luck with it all.

    Your hair looks great - doesn't look like it needs color, but then there's me who is fooling no one while pretending my gray is blond/lighter colored highlights. Can't wait to see what you decided to wear to graduation. The weather here looks great for Reg's, but once the sun goes down (his is outside) I know it'll get chilly. I've been caught off guard and shivering before.

    Running on a few hours of sleep after an unfortunate flight thing yesterday, so Costco rotisserie chicken for dinner it is.

  5. I have instant pot pulled pork that honestly is lacking something, romaine lettuce washed and wrapped in a cloth, some rice, and a package of hot dogs. That should see us through a few days, right?
    Impromptu water balloon fight party sounds AWESOME. I'm not sure if it's annoying or admirable that they don't pull their punches with younger girls.

  6. I think your meal plan sounds reasonable. I hate trying to figure out what to cook. Happily, at this advanced stage of my life, I am down to cooking 3 days a week. My daughter cooks one night, my husband cooks two nights, and we either go out or get take-out one night. That makes life a lot easier! This daughter made a big salad for dinner last night, with manchego cheese, almonds, jicama, medjool dates, dried cranberries, and romaine lettuce. It's delicious. We also had some chicken thighs that I threw in the oven with a can of diced tomatoes and some kalamata olives that were in the fridge. Tonight I'm making chicken tikka masala with a jarred simmer sauce. I got some sides from Whole Foods hot bar to go with, and I will heat up some frozen samosas. Tomorrow will be pasta made with sauce that I froze last time we had pasta. Thursday will be chili from the freezer I think. After that I'm off the hook until next Tuesday. It's a lot easier to cook for 3 than for 7 I think, esp since we're all adults so not growing, not active in sports, not HUNGRY all of the time. So we have a lot of leftovers, which I can repurpose.
