Monday, May 13, 2024

Cheers to 46!

 We went out for a literal boatload of sushi on Saturday (WHY DO WE ALWAYS ORDER SO MUCH??), and my drink even had an umbrella. 

Needless to say, I was feeling pretty fancy heading into my mothers' day/bday weekend.

Sunday, we went to Eau Claire to buy merch at a sporting goods store in a creepy mall, walk around campus, and discover a terrific sandwich place. I am trying to take lots os tiny trips to Harry's future campus to make everyone feel less worried about Harry being gone (ME. IT IS ME WHO IS WORRIED) and get to know the drive (a very easy drive except I guess when there is snow, which is probably just December-April).

Merch achieved:

Campus continues to be dazzlingly beautiful

And I can't wait to try the rest of the menu at the sandwich place. WHICH HAS BEER THANK GOD.

Fall in Eau Claire is probably EVEN MORE beautiful. I'M SO EXCITED.

Today, I woke up 46 (I actually woke up at least once when I was still 45 technically because we really wanted to see the northern lights but missed them AL THREE TIMES THIS WEEKEND, and I woke up to check the (cloudy) sky.)

I am still a baby, though, so I opened my present right away.

I can;'t decide if I want to wear it everywhere immediately and stuff it full of leaky pens and baby wipes and lipsticks whose lids fall of or keep it in the box and smile at it from time to time. Probably I should aim for something in the middle?

Birthday crew:

I made myself THIS cheesecake (only, for the crust, I crushed 2 cups of Kirkland brand mini choc chip cookies and melted a stick of butter to hold them together), and we will eat it at least ceremoniously when everyone gets home from school before the evening rush.

I plan to eat mine for real with champagne when I get home from Harry's honors convocation ceremony at his school where he is being honored for his grades AND his speech scholarship from his high school. SO PROUD OF HIM. 

He got a letter from Eau Claire last week telling him his Chancellor's Scholarship and the other academic scholarship he received were both increasing in the amount of the annual gift AND they are now both renewable (previously, just the Chancellor's scholarship was renewable). He's awesome.

Minnie thought it would be a fun treat to "take me" mini-golfing after preschool today for my birthday. LOL FOREVER.


  1. Epic Birthday status achieved. I am so lame I had to look up what kind of bag that was. As for people whose offspring go to college somewhere close enough for little day trips I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND NOT AT ALL JEALOUS.

  2. Oh, and happy birthday.

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Happy birthday!!!!!

  4. Love the mini golf date. That is so sweet. Congrats to Harry. Reg had not committed to a school and hadn't yet let them know he was deferring his acceptance and some schools gave him more money in the 11th hour. I was like, sweet - let's hope they still feel that generous next year. OMG that cheesecake looks too good to eat. At 46, you ARE a baby. ;) Happy happy bday to you!

  5. Happy Birthday! What a fun and full day!

    I'm glad Harry will be just a short drive away, that's how it was with our oldest, and it certainly did seem to help the younger siblings (and me!).

  6. Awww, happy birthday! Looks like one for the record books! And it sounds like your 47th year is shaping up to be spectacular.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    This is Lisa! Happy birthday! Looks like a fabulous celebration. Sign me up for a boatload of sushi. Only Phil and I eat sushi and Phil is such a slim fellow with frugal tendencies so it would be a HARD SELL to get him on board with a boatload of sushi. But I am here for it! I love that Minnie wanted to do something to help you celebrate. So sweet!

  8. Happy birthday Sarah!

  9. What a wonderful celebration! Here's to another awesome year.

  10. Happy, happy belated birthday, Sarah. What a fun day with your crew!

  11. Happy birthday! What a wonderful way to celebrate. ALWAYS get the boatload of sushi... especially when it comes in a boat!!

  12. I am kind of dying to know where the sushi boat restaurant is.
    Also? You are tempting me to make Eau Claire the first of my "Wisconsin system campus adventures", which so help me, I will start this summer. :)

    1. And also, GAH, happy happy belated (so belated) birthday!
