Monday, March 25, 2024

That Mom

 I am THAT MOM who accidentally took a sick kid to a b-day party. 

Minnie was FINE Saturday, and the party was at 9am on Sunday, so, honestly, I did not notice that she was not herself until she was complaining about being cold on the way home. 

When we got home? SHE HAD A 102-DEGREE FEVER and has had one ever since, despite Tylenol and Ibuprofen rotating every 3 hours. She slept in my bed (“slept” LOL) and was so warm last night that she melted a granola bar in her palm. We took her to urgent care where she was rapid strep negative, and Ben COVID tested her. Justavirus? Long strep culture positive tomorrow? BUT YIKES. A 7:45am dose of Tylenol saw her drenched in sweat (FINALLY), and her fever broke. **crosses fingers**

SO ANYWAY. I’m the worst. Happy 4th birthday— here is a book, a stuffie, and virus of dooooooom.

(Although. The BEST time to go to a trampoline park is when you are maybe a little sick already)


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I attended a birthday party once where the unintended party favor was the gift of Flu A - bestowed to all by the guest of honor. I did the math at the time and I believe it was an 80% infection rate.

    1. Laughing so hard at this - though it's clearly a nightmare!

  2. Oh, man. Well, you didn't know she was sick. Did you notify the host?

  3. These things happen. We've all had it happen. Nothing you could do and the only thing to focus on is easing Minnie's discomfort. We don't have crystal balls to predict when kids will get sick (and it seems to come on SO SUDDENLY, at least for my kids - they're fine and then very NOT fine).

    Ugh. Sorry it happened, but this I've been on both sides of this situation before and there is literally nothing you could do differently <3

  4. I'm so sorry Minnie is sick again... I hope she feels better soon. Flu B is making the rounds per A and his read of ER stats--I hope Minnie is over the worst of it by now. Hang in there, Sarah!

  5. FWIW, I promise she wasn't the only sick kid there

  6. THAT mom is NOT the one who does this accidentally. Bringing a kid somewhere and then finding out they were sick is just Tuesday. Or Sunday, I guess.

  7. Poor Minnie, I'm sorry she's sick again. Preschool is great for that, isn't it? I hope she's on the mend now. I agree with everyone else who said, it happens to all parents sooner or later.

  8. it happens! And anytime you bring a kid to a party or something like that, you know you might be exposing them to something.

  9. That's a bummer, but I think that's why these things are passed between kids, you don't know until you know. Poor Minnie. I died at here's a stuffie and a virus of doom. Am I allowed to laugh at that?

  10. It's spring. Viruses happen. Also, foam pits = virus pits. Ten to one a kid got sick and not from Minnie...
