Thursday, March 07, 2024

New hair!!

 I got 10 inches cut off my hair on Tuesday. I thought I was just getting a trim, but you know how that can go. Also! The way she parted in was the perfect sport to make my gray look like sparkly highlights. My whole phone camera roll is selfies, so here ya go:

There are actually MORE of these pictures, but I am sharing my faves LOL LOL LOL LOL.

But that's not all I do!

I also grade all of the things and restock our groceries mid week, observe my preschooler at her activities, and hang out at parks after work! And take selfies.


  1. Love. it. It looks perfect on you and is so flattering.
    Doesn't it feel so freeing to have so much cut off?!!

  2. OMG! Gorgeous! It looks so great straight, and I can't wait to see it curly/wavy too!

    1. thanks! I look a little bit like Severus Snape when it's wavy but hopefully I can figure it out

  3. Did you feel like you weighed like five pounds less for a few minutes after it was cut? I love that feeling!

  4. GIRRRRRRRRL. You are a total fox! What an amazing cut! It suits you so well. Well, shit, now I'm wondering if *I* need to do this! You look fabulous. Now, obviously, you always look fabulous and you looked fabulous with long hair too! But dammmmmn. I just was listening to Back That Azz Up and then I read this and it's all conflating in a very strange way.
    (I know we are not really supposed to comment on appearances in any way but I CARE NOT BECAUSE WOWZA THAT IS A GOOD HAIR CUT)

    1. lol lol lol lol-- best comment (and thanks!!!)

  5. And I was so blown away by your hair that I forgot to comment on that first Minnie photo - is she hip-hop dancing? What if she was dancing to that song I just referenced? IS THIS THE WORLDS COLLIDING CONFLATION WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR?
    (I considered deleting this because I used the word Azz and then talked about your preschooler and that is disturbing to me on one level but also, that photo is amazing.)

    1. she WAS hip hop dancing! she TAKES hip hop class, and it is the funniest

  6. OK, if Nicole gets that haircut, is it going to turn into the Cool Bloggers haircut? Like the spiced cookies and the fall salad and the chickpea salad? If so, we're going to rock that hairdo!

    Seriously though, you look utterly adorable, there's nothing so freeing as a stunning new hairdo.

  7. Oh, the new hair is SO perfect and a bit retro? (In an eras way and in a you way too?) OMG... WHY do I remember that you and B thought long hair was romantic?!

  8. I love the new cut! It looks amazing! I bet that it feels good to lose the length! Esp with summer coming.

  9. HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME SARAH. I will not chop off my hair, I will not chop off my hair, I will not chop off my hair.

    Your cut looks FAB! So cute and stylish.

  10. Just out here waiting for Stephany to cut off her hair. LOL. (Love it, seriously.)
