Monday, July 03, 2023

Halfway Day

 I looooove the idea of halfway day to check in with my word of the year, my 23 for 23 list, and my general vibe. Buuuuut I forgot all about it until I read Jenny’s. Technically yesterday was halfway day, but who’s counting? (Me. I am obviously counting.)

My word this year is deliberate, and I am really happy with the choice because it gives me a framework to just pause a second and make sure I really want to do the thing I am about to do. The most tangible operationalization of this word happens when I do yoga on the morning and set an intention for the day— I love the opportunity to pause and reflect. So, YAY WORD OF THE YEAR. I am deliberately making choices that lead to HAPPINESS and a feeling of CONTENTMENT. Except when I have PMS.

Minnie is always happy and content at the library, BTW.

I have bee super successful at sone of the items on my list. My mani/pedi game is strong, and I love the ritual of going to the salon regularly to recharge and feel pretty. I LOVE adding a walk to my morning routine and have been doing this faithfully. Actually, all of my fitness goals have been fun and easy to incorporate (yoga 3 times a week, cardio 6 days, weights 5, walk 7– all terrific!). We went to a gross WI Dells water park (and I promised D another trip in October when she has a dance convention there). I haven’t been buying coffee out; Minnie has a swing set. My brownie game is strong.

I haven’t flown yet, but Ben has, and he takes 2 different kids on 2 different flights this month, so I am FLIGHT ADJACENT.

Still plan to see old friends, but nothing definite yet— so this is something I need to actively work on.

BEDROOMS AND CARPET. Omg. Must dooooooo.

No Botox for now. I like my face with wrinkles and I saw on old mom friend the other day with so much Botox and lip filler— it was very disconcerting.

Halfway through, and even though I am stressed about hot temps, humidity, and my air conditioner not doing its ONE JOB, 2023 is pretty okay. How about you?

This picture has nothing to do with anything, of course, but HER FACE AND HAIR. SO FUNNY.


  1. How lovely to hear things are going well... Your fitness game is strong! Flight adjacency--yay! I always mean to do word of the year (is that a Gretchen Rubin thing?), but I pick something generic like "grow," and it becomes so much less meaningful. Thanks for the Minnie pictures... Puppy Max is filling some of my toddler yearnings, but he doesn't have CHEEKS!

    1. yes, gretchen rubin. It really helps me plan-- invention is my hardest canon.

  2. I loved reading this. It sounds like you are doing so well with all of your goals, and I love your actual goals too. I have gone back and forth with regards to botox and fillers, and have decided that I'm just going to stay with my regular face. My regular, kind of wrinkly face. I think it's mostly because it seems like a lot of upkeep, to be honest.

    1. so much upkeep and can go so wrong. so many women slightly older than me have the very same face-- like, this is the face you get when you spend X amount of dollars on upkeep. If you spend more, you get a different (but also the same) face. It's creepy.

  3. I went back and read your goals post again and I have to say that I'm super impressed with how goal-oriented you've been this year. Go you!

  4. I am HERE for goals posts, Sarah. Love this. You've done such a great job.

    I'm doing quite well, though may have to admit defeat on a few goals that just don't make sense with my current priorities. Once the dust settles from our easing into summer, I need to sit down and take stock of what's done and what I still want to do this year and this post is very inspiring <3

    And that picture of Minnie - bhahaha.

  5. Love the anti-Botox stance (while being open to being pro-Botox at some point) and I love your word of the year. I have been super wishy-washy about my word of the year and therefore haven't been adhering to it as well as I could/should, but I do think about it a lot. (And how I am not living up to it, LOL.) Congrats on a great year so far! Love hearing your positivity and progress toward your goals!

  6. I am terrible at picking one word for the year (wishy-washy double-minded Gemini) AND at setting goals in any non-vague kind of way. Someone at Kindermusik once told me I looked like I was cherishing my time with Eve, my last child, and I get the same feeling with you and Minnie (I guess I shouldn't assume she's your last). I also love the fifth child being allowed to stand on her play kitchen like the first child probably (?) wasn't.

  7. Wow you are killing it! I'm impressed with all of the fitness you fit in on top of managing 5 kids + a career!!!

  8. Sounds like 2023 is going pretty well for you. Do you, by any chance, have more hours in the day than other people? I'd gladly take some off your hands :)

  9. Goodness gracious, you are really doing an AMAZING job with your word and your goals. I at least remember my word this year (engage) but... yeah. Living up to it and/or using it to guide me has gone...not so great. Love reading about how you are getting all the things done while simultaneously working (I think) 3 jobs and raising 5 amazing kids, reading, blogging, exercising, chauffeuring... you are a wonder!
