Friday, July 28, 2023

5 on a Friday: THE SOLO ROAD TRIP

 While Ben was in CA with Cooper, Harry and Jack had an IL speech camp drop-off.

 I swear to you, I almost had Ben drive Harry’s car to the airport (5 am flight to CA— no way I was going to wake Minnie up for that trip or Harry to watch Minnie since he wakes up like an angry swamp monster every morning— this is the image I have because he wears a camouflage Comfy and sort of stutter walks) so the boys could drive his car to camp. But then I got my ish together and drove them the three hours.

 My main concern (besides being a little old lady on the highway) was the ride home with just Dorothy and Minnie and no real help (sorry Dorothy) handling Minnie’s car needs. She can be a bit of a screamer, is what I am saying. So! WE SPENT THE NIGHT, and it was … fine. 

Here are the highlights:

1. Seeing the boys in a real life DORM ROOM. So darling! Such a great preview of what is to come! (For me and for them)

2. Our favorite pizza in the world for dinner! The boys had a 4 pm drop off and then dinner on their own before the first camp session at 7pm. It was lovely to move them in and then be able to take them to dinner and to Walgreens for a quick pick up of stuff they forgot.

3. Girls’ night at a hotel. In retrospect, we should have snagged a couple of towels from the hotel pool and gone to an adorable water park between campus and the hotel because our pool was tiny, crowded, and not baby friendly. But! We snacked and watched a movie and did masks and read our books— very relaxing, and kids love hotel breakfasts, the yuckier the better. (Making waffles with a solo cup of goop— BEST EVER). Also! Minnie is not ready to sleep in a big girl bed, if her all-night bouncing between the couch bed (MY BED IS A COUCH! THE COUCH IS A BED!) and my bed is any indication.

4. Being there the next morning when Harry called to say HE FORGOT HIS COMPUTER. Um. Speech camp— a place where he planned to write and research a 10-minute persuasive speech for competition— was definitely a place where he would want his computer. And! I reminded him to put it in his back pack before we left, and he was all Ugh, I am busy right now chill out. I brought him Cooper’s iPad which I had on hand for car purposes for Minnie but did not really need since she also had a Kindle Fire, and I downloaded a book for Dorothy on my Kindle, figuring Minnie could play with Dorothy’s iPad, too, in a pinch. At least if Harry had an iPad, I figured, he could use campus library databases and have Google Docs. He texted a pic of his speech outline on a whiteboard with a computer in the foreground, so I assume he got one from the library **shrug** Still, it was nice to be there just in case because I am a helicopter at heart. ALL this stuff and NO COMPUTER:

5. Reminding myself that I can GO PLACES in a car like an adult. Do I think I want to drive Dorothy to downtown Chicago by myself for a dance thing next weekend? Nope. Could I drive her the same distance down an open highway? YES PLEASE. Baby steps is what I am saying here, but good ones.


  1. Great job on the driving! I drove eight hours through the mountains with so much stuff I couldn't see the rearview mirror, and Rex in the back seat. BY MYSELF. I feel like that was a huge accomplishment!

    1. that IS a huge accomplishment. mountain driving under ideal circumstances makes me twitchy.

  2. So cool to see some glimpses of the girls' trip and then also SO cool to see H and J in a dorm. They look so ready and fit right in!

  3. GOOD FOR YOU! I hate driving, hate hate hate, so I am very impressed. And it turned out okay! Hooray!

    1. me too, but I am trying to drive more and more on the highway-- baby steps.

  4. It's really not the driving I mind - it's the worry about parking. Where will I park? Will I have to parallel park? Will the space be large enough? How much will it cost? Why can't it all just be easy?

    Good job going out there and getting it done, though! Goop waffles for the win!

    1. I have become a pretty okay parallel parker thanks to driving cooper to campus for diving every day this summer, but it really stresses me out when someone is behind me.

  5. Great job, Sarah! Like Engie, it's mostly the parking that worries me. Parallel parking? Forget it. I might as well take a baseball bat to my car and get the damage over with. I will walk kms to save myself from having to parallel park.

    My kids loooove hotels (especially the pools, snacking in bed, and hotel breakfast buffets).

    1. LOL at baseball bat-- Ben demolished the door of our old van parallel parking on vacation with his dad in the car, and it was so funny (months later LOL)

  6. I drive, but I don't drive for fun. Long distances can be horrible... but you made it. Sounds like a lot of changes constantly happening in your world with kids at different ages.

  7. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Ugh drives by yourself with a toddler are rough! It made sense to stay the night to avoid that early morning! We are also team crib over here. I didn’t move Paul until he was 3.5. I figure if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. I like having my toddler contained to a crib and he is happy as a clam there!

    1. I agree-- she can stay in her crib for sure. EXCEPT we need to re-carpet the bedrooms, and it would be great to move Dorothy's bed to Minnie's room and get Dorothy a loft bed in one fell swoop.

  8. I am aces at open highway driving, but I hate downtown driving and I was SO anxious traveling solo with the kids when they were little. Well done, you!
    I LOVE that picture of the girls on the bed, Minnie's little butt in the air. And man, the kids loved hotels so much, we could do anything as long as we were staying in a hotel. So fun.

    1. poor practice pancake baby with tiny sisters in his dorm room

  9. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Your hubby must have a tonOmoolah,
    doll, same over here; yet ain't nthn to
    what 7thHeaven holds, miss gorgeous
    for the length N breadth of eternity:
    ● ●
    You willing to lay thy life down and
    follow Jeee-sis ...?? Here's a hint:
    Cya soon...

  10. Highway driving is a lot! My mom was in her 30s or 40s, I think, when she finally conquered her fear of it. Like others have said, it's parking that causes me the most stress, especially if I have to park downtown. But you conquered your fear! You did it!

  11. I am driving INTO Chicago in a week-ish. By myself. All the way down to the lakefront. And parking. In a ramp. Send prayers, please. :)
    Your kiddos look so grown up! Also, love the Christmas-time pj's in July.
