Friday, March 01, 2013

How can my weeks feel so busy when I rarely leave the house?

Some really primo parenting going on here

I planned to take him to Cold Stone, but he wanted McDonalds instead.  Whatev,

Another fine nutritional moment (but way better for him than McD's and organic, natch)

Morning exercise

Working to free a dinosaur trapped in the snow and ice.  The rescue is still underway.

I want all of the Pottery Barn Kids rag dolls.  I think I am ordering another as soon as I publish this post.

Really into mowing the snow.

Sleepy baby

He ate one freaking M&M.  Kid can make a MESS.

Green eggs for Dr. Seuss's bDay.  They remind me of boobs,

Strawberry marshmallow Cat in the Hat hats

All he did this morning was run across the driveway and try to leap over this wall of snow.  He was so sweaty when we got to school.

37 weeks and 3 days

Not only did I bring the kids, a stroller full of screaming Cooper (who freaked out because he didn't want to stop mowing the snow-- only 30 minutes after freaking out because he didn't want to go play in the snow and kicked off his boots on the walk, leading no fewer than 10 people to cluck that my baby had no boots-- NO SHIT, I did not scream), and all the Dr, Seuss treats for both classes I also had to bring cookies for a teacher lunch today. So, I had to go all the way inside school in my snow pants and stocking cap and unload all my shit and carry cookies to the teachers lounge, with my screaming, sock-footed baby. Good times. I wanted to throat punch a new teacher who said to a colleague, "But we're not even really celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday this year. It's not even until tomorrow." Tomorrow, there will be green eggs and ham for breakfast.


  1. Look at all that snow! Crazy!

    You look great!

  2. Really? "But we're not even really celebrating" says the person about to receive free, homemade cookies? WTF?
