Saturday, April 27, 2024

What's for Dinner April 29-May 3, walking, skirting, etc

 What's for Dinner? STOP ASKING ME. Kidding. But also.

SUNDAY: We are coming off a full weekend of diving, so I am going to say SANDWICHES. CHIPS. FRUIT. VEGGIES. Did I just serve this same basic meal on Friday with grilled cheese? SHUT UP.

MONDAY: My last Monday night meeting of the semester! Frozen randoms for the children and Ben.

TUESDAY: It's my spring speech contest! Woo-hoo! Kids and Ben can have whatever they freaking want for dinner. #IAmTheBest

WEDNESDAY: It's going to be GORGEOUS HERE, so I want to go full summer-- burgers on the grill, corn, watermelon, etc,

THURSDAY: Jack's spring play!! One of us will go this night, and one of us will go Friday with Dorothy and Coop and Harry. Salads and baked potatoes? Breakfast for dinner?

FRIDAY: Pretty sure Cooper has baseball...maybe baseball picnic? OUR FIRST OF THE SEAAAAASON Otherwise, PIZZA for sure.

Saturday, Coop plays baseball at the Milwaukee Brewer's Little League park, and HARRY GOES TO PROM. BABY HARRY. GOES TO PROM. YOU GUYS. How can I even think about dinner in the face of this event?

I definitely walked this week because the weather is perfection.

The girlies dressed up for some dance class spirit weeks, namely MOL gear day, decades day, and unicorn day

Dorothy pulled out all the stops for Throwback Costume Day and wore a PRESCHOOL COSTUME that still fits LOL

And, of course, my last full week of SKIRTATHON


  1. Omg. Prom!!!!!!! Whenever someone mentions their kid going to prom, i turn the conversation to selfishly lament that my son had no prom due to Covid (am I still bitter about that? Yes, yes I am.) But I'm excited for you guys- I hope we get to see pictures so I can live it vicariously.
    I don't know how you can think about dinners with so much going on- but I guess if you didn't plan at all, it would be a fiasco (driving through McDonalds every night.)
    Love the walking photos! You are definitely a Cool Blogger in the walking club.

  2. Your wardrobe is amazing.

    HARRY IS GOING TO PROM!!!!!! That is so exciting and fun.

  3. Your skirtathon has been perfection! Happy weekend!

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    This is Lisa. Awww prom! What a fun night! Please share pictures!

    Our weather was not amazing last week or at least it wasn’t when I was around. Spring in MN is so terrible and unpredictable. I am still solidly in tight wearing season but maybe in May I can bare my legs!!

  5. I died at What's for dinner, Shutup. I feel that. It is so never ending and I don't even have that many people at home right now. Reg had prom Saturday too. I made Italian Beef in the crock pot. The worlds easiest crowd pleaser and there was only Coach and I and the 2 little girls to eat it. Bonus: I have a crockpot of Italian Beef in the fridge and I will use it whenever I feel the need. Damn it. Also, I ran to Costco last night for a few things, namely I was out of my protein bars. There just is no way to substitute those for anything else in the house. My gift to myself for hauling ass to Costco even though I was just there? Buying a rotisserie chicken for use later in the week.

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    My favorite pajamas are from COS (yes I am ashamed of how much I spent on them). I also like JCrew factory for pajamas (much more affordable). I think these are both kind bad fast-fashiony options though...

    I feel you on the weight loss. I feel like I've been tracking calories, workouts, macros, going on weight loss journeys, losing the weight, gaining it back, etc etc for literal YEARS and when I think about it, it's kind of profoundly will I just do this...forever?

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Oops sorry! Meant to comment on the post after this one! :)

    2. YES-- that is EXACTLY how I feel about weight loss and even CARING about my weight at this age! COS PJ's look awesome-- I am probably too cheap to buy them, but now I have at least made a cart LOL
