Monday, December 20, 2021


 We went back to our old favorite recipe this year, and I am so glad. Our Santa cookies are DELECTABLE. We make an extra half recipe, and we might not have enough for the big man unless we hold back a few right now. THESE COOKIES ARE PERFECT. (I made icing with powdered sugar and milk, and it is also perfection).

Everyone took it very seriously, and the kids are not horrible at decorating anymore. I mean, listen, we are not going to win any awards, but 98% of the cookies are edible. 2% have too much glitter sugar.

Sliiiiight fail when I dropped the bag of sugar in the mixer.
All natural food coloring does a not awesome job of making festive holiday colors

The traditional Christmas dinosaur.
So many! So earnest!
They have infinite patience.

Even these guys loved it.
Yay, cookies!

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