Wednesday, April 10, 2013


OMG. Ben worked from 6:30 this morning until 8:15 tonight because he had meetings after class. While that must have sucked for him, OMFG I WAS HOME ALL DAY WITH 4 KIDS.  Well, I had 4 kids from 6:30-8:30, 2 kids until lunch time, 3 kids until late afternoon, and 4 kids from 3:30-bedtime.  So today, bedtime was at 6:15 (Cooper), 6:25 (Jack), and 7:15 (Harry).  Dorothy did not enjoy supervising Cooper and Jack's rowdy bath from the comfort of the Ergo, so she screamed from 6-6:30 and then nursed and burped from 6:30 to 8 when she finally passed out.  I am currently stuck under her.

As soon as we had Dorothy, no screen time before age 2 became Sesame Street whenever the baby needs to eat.
Look-- it's Baby Jack-- er, I mean Dorothy.  She may be a red head, but she looks great in pink.
He holds her all the time.  He comes to me and demands, "This Dot."
Helping me open some mail.
She looks like she's going to talk.
Tried to get Jack to hold still for a picture.
Ah, there's one.  But holding still makes Jack sad.
OMG.  Honest Co. diapers!  SO CUTE!
Delivered to my door-- along with wipes-- and they don't have chlorine or petrochemicals.  I am in love.  I ordered bundles for Dorothy and Cooper today after I fell in love with my sample pack.
A friend sent these for Dorothy, but Cooper claimed them.
Bedtime was hell.  Cooper SOAKED the bathroom in the time it took me to grab Jack's pajamas, and getting his slippery little body out of the tub, dry, and into his PJ's enraged Dorothy.
Nobody got bedtime stories because I had to make the noise stop.  But nobody got yelled at today either.  Except me.  Cooper is a screamer; Jack is a flailer; Harry talks back, and Dorothy was 9-pounds of mewling in my face.

But we made it a whole day.  Pizza delivery for dinner.  Too much TV.  Lots of time in the basement playing.  I read a whole book from my nest on the couch.  And Ben's home tomorrow.


  1. This sounds like a solid win! Fourteen hours alone is one thing, but you did multiple drop-offs AND baths. Nice job!

  2. Insanity! But it sounds like you handled it admirably. Totally get wanting to make the noises stop. OMG. Backtalking makes me want to throw things. Which kind of makes it fun, I would imagine. FAIL.
