In Jack news, he has decided he wants to be a doctor when he grows up, the kind who "fixes hearts." Sweet.
Harry has abandoned his dream of being a stay-at-home-dad because a worker at the childwatch at our gym old him if he is a SAH parent, he'd have to clean the house and do all the laundry. Harry said, "No I wouldn't. I'd have a wife," which totally freaked me out because Ben and I are like the model of a partnership, so where did he GET that notion? And here I thought his career choice was all kinds of progressive. He has modified his life's ambition after that conversation and now plans to be a singer in a band. In case you were wondering.
Today, Jack did that thing he does sometimes when he is really tired. One minute, he was chatting and whining at us, and the next minute he was passed out cold:
We spent Saturday celebrating Lucy's third birthday and had tons of fun. I don't really have any pictures to post because besides Harry, jack, Max, Lucy, and Jacob, there were always other kids in my pictures, and who knows if their parents want them on the internet.
Julie and I did grab Jacob and tear off his socks so we could marvel at his teeny fat feet-- so cute.
When I uploaded phone pictures, I noticed that Jack and I have taken quite a few selfies lately (further evidence of my riveting life)

So. Yeah. The lunches are packed. I picked out my clothes. My backpack is ready. It's almost 9, which means it's almost a respectable bedtime for a non-preschooler. That's all I got.
I love preschool art!! A portfolio! Adorable. Charlie brought home a diorama of a teepee the other day.
ReplyDeleteNow I have to go get lunches made and pick out my clothes too!
thank you for my kid always makes me so happy...I'm a real lurker I guess...Hope Ben likes his job...Bomma
ReplyDeleteWe enjoyed seeing all of you guys so much! Those boys are even cuter in person if anyone could believe that!They are a wonderful combination of both of you and Ben. Hope you get the rest you need this week!
ReplyDeleteThe wonder of toddler farts, now in writing!
ReplyDeletenothing more fun that selfies w/ the kiddos!
ReplyDeletethat preschool portfolio is going to be a massive tear-fest! How sweet is that?!