We had so much fun this weekend, despite eight-ish hours in the car and the slowest moving thunderstorm we have ever seen. Seriously, this was a creepy storm. It woke us up at 5:25 on Sunday morning with hail and thunder and terrific lightening, and by the time we left at 11:30-ish, the storm was still hanging over Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. And NOW, it's lumbering toward Madison. Al Roeker says it's an Omega Block. Whatev.
Harry got some fabulous early birthday presents, including some hightops and an adorable Osh Kosh outfit from his great grandma and some cute little clothes and a fabulous new stroller from his grandma. Ever since the wheels fell off Harry's ride at the zoo, we've only had his exercise stroller or his umbrella stroller, neither of which is convenient for the mall or the farmer's market. So, I am really really excited to use this one. Probably more excited than I should be about a stroller, but my liofe lacks excitement these days. Although, ben and I are seeing a MOVIE on Friday, and we can barely contain ourselves. It's been over a year because my ass didn't fit in movie seats toward the end.
We were in Des Moines to see Bomma in The Full Monty. The play was so funny, and she was excellent. We're not just saying that, either. Everybody says so, even The Des Moines Register. See, the play got a good review. Here's the full story, but check out this mention: "Ruthanne Silverstein shines as the steelworkers' delightfully grouchy rehearsal coach, goading them on with all the charm of the old lady from the "Where's the beef?" commercials." They only mentioned 3 people in the whole cast by name and no one else this glowingly.
She even sang a song beautifully. The play closed on Sunday, and we're so glad we got to see it.
That's about it. I know this was more a report than a funny post, but here's a ton of pictures. Somebody has a case of the Mondays. Bah humbug.
Harry and his fabulous handbag. It's perfect for his ID, cell phone, mad money, and a lip gloss.
The calling card of an anarchist.
The funnest thing to do with books.
All those toys, and Harry wants to play with a suitcase and a hanger, natch.
We went to this cool toy store and tried on hats and stuff. We were in search of the perfect birthday crown, but we found so much more. Like this patronizing pilot's hat.
Jester Bear
Swami Harry
For pillaging and plundering
For his cabaret act
Having a croissant Friday night at Atlanta Bread
Getting super sick of the car ride to Des Moines
This kid so almost needs a trim.
Harry taking a dim view of the constant photography.
Ben riding Harry's horsie
What's totally funny about this picture is that these guys are not the twins!! Or maybe that's not so funny because seriously, how many 47 year old twins still dress alike?
Playing with Max, who has a baby sister and knows just how to make babies happy.
This shot is so funny because I have tons of pictures of me and my mom when I was a baby, and all you can see of my mom is her knees and feet. Now I'M the knees and feet!
Harry snagged Ben's pastry while we were getting dressed Saturday morning. Hmmm. Wonder why kids are getting cavities at younger ages these days.
Everywhere I go, people just want to eat me up. What is it about me? My sheer adorbableness, perhaps? My yummy baby smell? My winning smile? I could go on for pages, people.
What are you looking at? Don't make me come over there.
Having some awesome fun. Check out his little red knees-- that's what happens when crawling is your primary mode of transportation. And your mom makes you wear shorts.
Harry tried to play with these antiques, or "no-nos" all weekend, and finally, Aunt Boo let him.
Saying buh-bye to the fam. Luckily, we'll see them all again next month, either in Madison, Des Moines, or both!
Many, many amusements to pass the time. I ate like 7 servings of Combos, for example. But the drive is still boring,
Oh my god. We are so bored. And somebody needs to trim his nails.
Seriously, guys. Are we almost there?
Some pacifiers to make the drive more bearable-- his seat is full of them.
Riding on his cool horse thingy-- thanks Boo!
Holy crap we have a ton of stuff to unpack-- and notice that we have a 2 car or 1 car/ 1 stroller garage.
Don't you love Harry's new swim hat? Sun hat, really.
What a good boy! Our family's favorite roadtrip game is "what will last longer, this tank of gas or Charlie's screaming fit?"
ReplyDeleteMy favorite parts of this entry are the total seriousness of the jester hat picture, the calling card of the anarchist, and the boa for his cabaret act. You guys are so funny!