Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 Honestly, I thought the doctor was going to be like why are you here wasting my time?? But instead, she almost gave Minnie another script for antibiotics. BECAUSE SHE STILL HAS GROSS THICK FLUID IN HER EAR. The Thanksgiving canary-in-a-coal-mine ear that kicked off the month of illness. WHAT. Also, why do none of the major drug manufacturers make ear Draino? IT SEEMS LIKE A SIMPLE PLUMBING PROBLEM TO ME.


Minnie is not a candidate for tubes (a good plumbing solution, to be sure) because she has not had frequent enough infections (**eye roll** they seem frequent enough to me, but I am most decidedly NOT that kind of doctor).

Also! The doctor said right now Minnie does not have an ear infection, but she 100% COULD get one if she gets, say, a cold before the fluid drains. Her advice was to avoid exposing Minnie to more URIs right now. Cool, cool. THAT SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM.

The TL; dr for Dorothy and Cooper is that we postponed our Great Wolf Lodge visit until next month when they have a random day off school because when someone I trust tells me to avoid colds and then makes an involuntary moue of disgust when I mention an upcoming water park stay and advises against the trip, I listen. (That’s one of the reasons I wanted to keep the appointment despite the decline of “known” fevers in my tiny patient— I wanted to ask what she thought about germ exposure generally right now and this trip in particular. And it’s not that I didn’t want to shave my bikini line— COVID is on the rise here, etc etc etc).

I am for realZ done shopping. Still waiting for a couple of things to arrive. Still wrapping (forever. I will be wrapping forever), but I have purchased my last thing. (Well. One thing I ordered fr Ben is suddenly on back order, and I have been trying to cancel my order for THREE DAYS— if I am successful, I will really quick grab something to replace it, but this is just exchanging one thing for another similar thing and is not hard. If I am unsuccessful, he gets a New year’s gift **shrug**)

Minnie and I made gingerpeople yesterday morning so I could leave them out fro Dorothy and Coop to decorate while I took Minnie to the doctor

The end result exceeded my wildest expectations LOL

Honestly, after weekend Costco before Christmas, we should just go to the damn water park.


  1. Oh poor Minnie. Those darned ears for kids - I'm so sorry she can't get tubes.

    Not going to the waterpark sounds like a GOOD call, though.

    1. FOR SURE. I feel bad for my middles, though because the bigs are in Florida **whomp whomp**

  2. Good call on the waterpark, for sure. I don't wish that Minnie had had more ear infections to smooth the path to tubes, but they certainly would help the fluid. Sigh. Hang in there. Hopefully no one brings The Next Crud home from school this week.

    1. I KNOW. I almost didn’t send Dorothy and Coop for their last day today, but holiday parties, etc.

  3. Too bad about the waterpark but yeah, that place would have been a germ factory. Fingers crossed for a healthy holiday! Her poor little ears.

  4. It'll be so nice to have the waterpark to look forward to in Jan! Sending "stay healthy" wishes for you, Minnie, and the gang.

    1. Excellent reframe and thanks

  5. I had to go to Costco on Saturday and I have to go again this Saturday and I am convinced that I will get sucked into a Superstore Blackhole and never reappear.

    Fingers crossed the fluid in Minnie's ears goes away ASAP and she feels 100% for the Christmas festivities!

  6. I am so sorry to hear about Minnie's ears. There is such a strict protocol around # of infections before they will do tubes - which I get because you don't want to needlessly have your child have a surgery, but it is really annoying when your kid is constantly suffering from infections. We went through that with both boys although Will's path to tubes was super expedited because the fluid had a major impact on his hearing and it was a huge language acquisition period of development - and then he had this horrific allergic reaction to amoxicillin which really limited how they could treat his infections. So the NP let us get tubes pretty quickly, all things considered. But the path to that was HORRIBLE.

    Good call to postpone the water park visit. I fear you'd pick up more crud. :(

  7. Well BOOOOO. Poor Minnie! Glad it's not an actual infection though???? My kiddo had a billion ear infections when she was tiny, and her pediatrician also said she wasn't a candidate for tubes... which makes me feel very bad indeed for the kids who DO qualify.

    Sounds like a good choice to postpone the water park. And it will probably be more fun on a random boring January day anyway! Christmas is exciting enough. (Though I am biased because water parks are my idea of hell.)

  8. Poor kid!! I hope it gets better, and good call on the water park.
