Sunday, October 01, 2023

September: What I Read

 I feel like I have barely read a thing this month, and yet, I am going to the library and moving my eyes over (some) pages. I am trying really hard to love my Kindle, but I am not there yet. Did anyone else feel this way? Every month, I swear I will read 3 books on it to make my Kindle Unlimited worth it, but then I don't, and then I feel bad, and for me, feeling bad (about anything, really) leads straight to avoidance, and BAH. 

As I begin writing this post (mid-September), I have a library hold, 2 Amazon early releases, and 2 KU books lined up. WII I READ THEM BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH? The suspense is killing me, you guys.

Another reason I feel like I have barely read anything in September is that I have been OBSESSED with Sarah J. Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses series. OMG I love these books SO MUCH. And they are like 16-24 hours long, so I was OCCUPIED, ok? (I should clarify now, at the end of the month, that only the first 3 books are great. Then there’s a Christmas-themed novella which is funny as a trope but also weird in the middle of a fairy action/romance, and then the last book is just weird).

Anyway, on the the TL;DR (but I DID read these LOL LOL LOL)

A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sara J. Maas: This book sets up the end of the series by establishing Feyre as a lady who lunches and wants to give birth to a mythical fairy/human/winged-fighter baby. Erm. DID NOT LIKE. But so weird that this author had to bow to the Xmas romance tradition in the middle of a fantasy series— I liked the trope on trope mashup. **Audio

The Vampire's Promise by Caroline B. Cooney: Somehow I never read this one as a kid-- it gave me the closure I have been longing for all of these years (I really hope the sarcasm comes out here).

One of us Is Back by Karen McManus: I would have probably really liked this a few years ago when I read the first 2 books in the series. But right now? It was really hard for me to remember all of the characters and their stories, even with the helpful guide cleverly formatted to look like phone contacts. It was just meh for me.  **2023

A Court of Silver Flames by Sara J Maas: Some of this was great and very Hunger Games-y, but most of it was bad erotica with disturbing patriarchal themes. ** Audio

Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun by Elle Cosimano: This was not my favorite book in this series, but it was still a quirky little delight. **2023 **Audio

The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman: This delightful series is chugging along, and I hope to read the last one next month.

Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun: This is just about the most adorable romance I have ever read. And Christmas-themed!  **Audio

Speech Team by Tim Murphy: I mean, as a speech team member myself, I wanted to love this, so I got through some really awkward, boringness, and I am glad I did because the emotional payoff was worth it. **2023

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas: This second book in the series was even better than the first. **Audio

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas: How could this series get any better after this book? SHE MIGHT WANT TO STOP NOW. **Audio

Yours, Truly by Abby Jimenez: Contrived but darling. **2023 **Audio

Just Another Missing Person by Gillian McAllister: OH YES! She is SUCH a good mystery plotter. I loved this one. **2023

None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell: I could not put this down. I have not loved her last 2 books, but this one might be her very best. **2023

Search by Michelle Huneven: YES. I LOVED THIS BOOK. Even on my Kindle. It’s about a UU minister search committee, and it is a delight.**Kindle

This Month:

13 books

6 books published in 2023

6 print, 1 Kindle, 6 audio

This Year:

166 books

85 books published in 2023

89 print, 10 Kindle, and 67 audio


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I have found that I read more on the Libby app when I put the books on my phone rather than my kindle. However, the kindle can go into airplane mode and books can stay on it longer than 2 weeks; on the phone they are deleted when they're due. So I think it helps me try harder to read them, and I only have one book at a time on my phone. Not sure if you'd have the same outcome but figured I'd share!

    1. I have never tried to read a book on my phone- maybe I should give this a whirl.

  2. I also have better luck with the Libby app - I put books on my Kindle app but then end up deferring reading them for library books, partly because of the due date and partly because on the libby app it's so much easier to see the description of the book, and on the Kindle app I tend to forget about them and not know what many of them are.
    I've found Lisa Jewell hit or miss, so appreciate the rec. I generally love Karen McManus so will give that one a shot.

    1. I have never actually read anything in Libby-- I think I will try it.

  3. I haven't been able to fall in love with reading books on my Kindle app. I think I get too distracted by blogs or facebook or whatever. I've read a few things that way, and if I traveled a lot or couldn't hold heavy books or whatever, I might try harder. These days I do most of my 'reading' by listening to audio books, some via the Libby app, and some on Audible. I like to have one physical book that I'm working on, but that is often a much slower process, because I can't multitask like I do with my audio books.

    I'm pretty sure I haven't heard of ANY of these books. You read a lot! I'm very impressed with your schedule that you manage 6 physical books in one month.

    1. i LOVE audio books! I rarely listen to podcasts anymore, though.

  4. OMG... Michelle Huneven's Search, which I'd never heard of until sounds perfect for the book club at my UU. I trust your recs so much and as always am blown away by the volume of reading every month! (I don't like reading on the Kindle device, but sometimes can read quickly if I download it to my my laptop.)

    1. that would be the perfect audience for Search!!!

  5. My memory is that it took me a looooong time to warm up to my kindle. Like maybe years. But I love it now! I read it mostly on vacation or at night because, as a Paperwhite, it has the backlighting and I don't have to turn on any lights. Helps me fall asleep faster, I think.

    Love your list of books! I can't wait for the Lisa Jewell and the Gillian McAllister. They are both such excellent writers!

    1. I DO really like it at night, so maybe I will slowly love it. I have a clip-on book light, but I like to be all the way under the covers and a book plus a light is cumbersome

  6. I'm no help because I LOVE MY KINDLE. But I almost exclusively read ebooks. I love the convenience and how light weight the kindle is.

    Sept was a really good reading month for me. I had lots of contenders for my best books of 2023. I think the most under the radar one was "Go as a River."
