Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 Minnie is like the most stereotypical pandemic baby who is now out in the wild around her peers. Every time someone coughs in her direction she needs antibiotics. An exaggeration, but barely. This week, it is an ear infection. 


(she was up for 2.5 hours in the middle of the night last night and oh my goodness.)

UGH. I swear I had a whole post planned in my head but then I WORKED instead of blogging LIKE A CHUMP, and now I do not remember anything. BOO.

Except! Pomodoro! I thought this time management method would be good for Jack because his AP history class as a pretty daunting notes assignment every week, and he hates getting started and often leaves a bunch of it until Thursday night/Friday morning despite having SEVEN DAYS to do it, etc. So I introduced him to this method where you work for 25 minutes and then take a short break, repeat, etc. He likes it OK, but I? LOVE IT.

I am grading my midterms myself instead of having my TA grade them because it is a new exam, and I want to see if the questions are assessing what I thought they were, etc, and the Pomodoro method is genius for grading— GENIUS, I tell you. My grading muscle is out of shape, so I have loved having a structure. (Also this is for my 100-person lecture, not the 68-section class I direct, so not as overwhelming as it seems).

That is how Minnie went to swim lessons the other day— I am THE WORST.

Minnie has The Force, by the way. AND SHE IS POTTY TRAINED! All of the sudden! It just clicked for her. Such a big girl.


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I continue to be amazed at how you juggle everything so well, in spite of how you may (of course) feel overwhelmed at times! Your family is so beautiful, and I especially adore your sweet Minnie! Your time management program sounds amazing- hope it works as great for your son as well as you! Thanks for sharing your stories!🤗Ricki

  2. Ahhhhh!!!! Potty trained!!!! The angels are singing! What a happy milestone! But yeesh. I am sorry that she gets sick at the slightest exposure to germs. Shouldn't she be Super Immune, as the youngest?!?! Not fair.

    Anyway, being up in the middle of the night is the worst, and I hope tonight is much better. Sleeplessness is my kryptonite, and I feel like everything is so much harder and more grouchy when I have less sleep than the optimal amount.

    1. I feel like it has been so long since I really got an optimal amount of sleep that I don’t even know what that IS anymore

  3. I stupidly thought that I hadn't had insomnia for months just yesterday and then was wide awake until four a.m. Maybe I was sympathy-awake with your house. Minnie is the frigging adorablest and I hope you all feel better soon. And isn't it hilarious when stuff you think will work for your kids works better on your?

  4. Oh wow, I wondered what life would be like for all those littles who were away from their peers for so long, and now I see: it's virus after virus after virus. Ugh. Sorry to hear that, it sucks.

  5. Yay! Potty training. Don't miss that.

    I think Minnie looks quite happy in her swimming outfit.

    Sigh on the bugs. It's such a drag, but basically unavoidable? Hope she's feeling better soon.

    And I LOVE working in short bursts.

    1. The short bursts of work is lovely, especially when I have full days!

  6. Oh poor Minnie and poor mom and dad! Ear infections are THE WORST since they mess with night time sleep since the pain is so bad for the poor kiddos. Both of our boys ended up with tubes - Paul at 9 months, Will at 13 months. Those were a Godsend because the months leading up to getting tubes, they were up 3-5 times/night. We were ZOMBIES. I hope she stops catching everything soon. Will has been in daycare since April 2021 so has a fairly heart immune system but he's still susceptible to stuff. Anytime they are around a new group of kids, illnesses abound. Like are there colds/viruses we HAVEN'T had already? Apparently.

    1. I heard a kid coughing in the classroom at drop off yesterday, and I wanted to run in the other direction LOL

  7. Yes for a pomodoro! I'm in K-12 (HS) so grading can pile up but I like to stay on top of it because I HATE having any kind of pile up - literally and figuratively. Minnie looks ADORABLE!! I want to squish her. Have a good weekend!

    1. Pile up drives me bananas, too! It would be SO HARD to keep on top of high school grading, especially if you let it get away from you at all.

  8. I love using the Pomodoro method. I can be really unfocused some days when it comes to work and it really helps me buckle down and STAY FOCUSED. I'm glad it's working well for you and Jack. It's such a great time management tool.

  9. The Pomodoro method is so good. I forgot about it but will get back to using it.

    1. I love that it works across disciplines!
