Wednesday, September 13, 2023


 I have lived a whole life before my family gets out of bed.

I mean, maybe not a whole life, but MOST OF ONE. I have been setting my tiny little coffee pot (not to be confused with the big family coffee pot) to brew at 5:05 am. When my alarm goes off at 5:15, and I brush my teeth and stumble into the living room, coffee is ready for me to drink while I do the Wordle and play Connections. After my coffee (just one cup or I am so jumpy by the time everyone else wakes up that they think I am in a bad mood when I am just emphatic), I clean the boys' bathroom and exercise for about 45 minutes (cardio, weights, abs, etc). Next, I clean the upstairs bathrooms (I NEED to wipe down all three bathrooms with bleach spray, windex, and a seasonal Mrs. Meyers cleaner EVERY SINGLE DAY. Once a week, I also clean floors and tubs) and then go for a 23-minute walk with Dorothy.We get home around 7, which only gives her 30 minutes to get ready for school. This is time I use to loosely supervise everyone's grooming and breakfast routine, break up various fistfights, start the process of making myself look human, find Ben's phone/AirPods/other phone/keys, etc (usually just ONE item on that list) and tidy up all the bedrooms. After Dorothy leaves, I commit to getting myself dressed in earnest while Jack plays with Minnie. The big boys leave before 8, when Coop takes over Minnie duty, and I clean up breakfast, gather all of the dirty clothes that remain on bedroom floors and in common spaces (WHAT THE HELL, GUYS?) even though Ben and I have asked everyone more than once to gather their dirty clothes, but whatever. I also have to take Minnie to the potty and get her dressed, make sure she and I have all of our peripherals, etc. But! Three hours after I wake up, everyone has left our tidy little house, and we are usually all dressed in outside clothes. IT IS AMAZING. How long can this efficiency last, I wonder?

Things that make this sort of work:

Early bedtimes for all (hard to manage my own early bedtime with a teenager's curfew, but we are making it work)

All lunches prepped the night before (need I say more? Ben and I even pack our lunches, and if I am planning to be home with Minnie, I make sure we both have food ready to go as well because nothing makes coming home hangry better than a pre-made meal).

All activity bags laid out the night before stocked with snacks, water bottles, etc.

All kid clothes laid out the night before (this is on, them, obvs, but they've been doing a good job so far)


Getting UP. That alarm is a real bummer, and I think cold weather is going to make it worse.

Limiting myself to just one coffee.

GOING TO BED EARLY when my kid is not home

Things I love:

Having a clean house before I leave it

Being fully exercised by 7 am-- SO satisfying

Being dressed before preschool-- I have wasted many hours of childcare doing my hair and makeup alone.

We have kind of a rolling start this year, which is also working on our favor. Last week, the kids had 4 days of school and no activities. This week, they have a full week of school and plus also, hockey, diving, the fall high school play, and speech team has begun. Next week, all of these things happen, and Dorothy starts dance team. We have a second to get our bearings before another layer of responsibility pops up, and this so far working really well.

But, I mean, yes. It IS a lot.

Also, the sky is just impossibly pretty here:


  1. Elisabeth6:24 AM

    I'm EXHAUSTED just reading this, but also it sounds amazing. I love how you're fitting in so many things.
    I can so relate to loving leaving a tidy house. I'm trying to let that go some days...but also embracing that it is WHO I AM. I just feel better if I don't come home to things piled all over my counters.
    My alarm is now set for 6:30 and even that feels like a stretch. I hate mornings so much it feels like a disease. I mostly just waste the time between 6:30-7:00 reading the news and e-mails, but it takes me that long to feel human. Maybe I should just skip the reading part and set my alarm to 7? Perhaps the extra 30 minutes of sleep would make me feel more energetic in the morning?!

    1. I don't know-- I really need the slow start no matter what time I wake up. I always sit quietly having coffee for the first 20 or so minutes, so even if I get up later, I can't cut that part out.

  2. Early birds unite! I also have lived an entire life before my family gets up (I usually am up by 4:30 or so) but I am like maybe 10% as busy as you so things are not so hectic. Actually 10% might be an overstatement. 6%? I don't know, I haven't done the math, it's only 5:15 here. Leaving a tidy house is so very satisfying and I am a big proponent of the frequent bathroom clean. It just works so much better. Thanks for the glimpse into your day!

    1. I looooove the early quiet time, and I feel like I just end up being more active all day if I start out that way

  3. I absolutely feel you on the early alone time, exercise, and coming back to a clean home. And that sounds like the most perfectly-planned schedule. It's so amazingly precise too: I was taken by the 23-minute walk with Dorothy!

    Love the seasonal Mrs. Meyers tip, def. going to adopt that. Would some delegation of bathroom cleaning be possible? I think daily maintenance is key, but I only do it for mine. I kind of expect Big A and the kids to do their own.

    1. I am doing Happier podcast's 23 in 23, so that's why it's so exact. But really, that time frame works for us

  4. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Okay, I knew you had to be super organized to make seven people's routines work, but this is next-level. Only my husband is an early bird here, but my goodness the walk with Dorothy every morning - what a spectacular idea and what a wonderful memory it will be.
    Love the boys taking Minnie duty also.
    I am a night-before cleaner, but my husband cannot leave in the morning without the kitchen being clean, which works really well for me. I tried getting an early- morning exercise routine going once, but it invariably made me nauseated, so that didn't work, but I do love getting exercise done first thing.
    It's hard for me to get to sleep before one or two a.m. I feel like my life and yours and Nicole's are fingertip-touching in the dark.

  5. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Oops, that was me, Allison/Bibliomama

    1. I am basically all done being a person by about 8:30 pm-- so, yes, opposites. You are probably just entering REM when I am getting up

  6. I am sitting here with my mouth open about the bathroom cleaning time in the AM. I am an early riser (4:30 - 4:45) but I am possibly a selfish jerk who only wants to do things for ME during those precious hours! It clearly works for you and yet I can't even wrap my head around it. I hope it's okay I linked to this post in a time themed discussion!

    1. I feel like the bathroom cleaning is for me-- no one else cares, and I use Clorox spray, so I really want to do it before I get dressed.

  7. Since having the dog, I find it really hard to get going without my morning walk with her! It's just a lovely habit because I always tell myself that if I'm still tired after our walk, I can go back to bed, but I never do because the walk gets me going. I'm happy to hear Dorothy joins you on your walks!

  8. We have to leave for work so early so my mornings are so very different. Ideally we are all in the car by 6:55. So I get up at 5:50 when I'm going into the office since I need to be showered/ready to go by 6:15 ideally. Mon/Fri I sleep until 6 since I try to workout before showering and starting my day. Our mornings are really challenging since one kid is not a morning person!

  9. This is so inspiring, especially the bathroom cleaning EVERY MORNING. Wow wow wow.

    I have been trying to get into a better morning routine, as I am so lackadaisical in the morning. I just want to slowly wake up and not deal with people until at least 9 a.m. Which I can do, thanks to my flexible job!

  10. I am definitely in the 'get up early'-camp (although 5:15 am is brutal and it's going to get worse if it stays dark so long) but isn't it a great feeling of accomplishment what you get done so early in the morning?
    I have to ask though: why exactly 23 minutes of walking? :)

  11. I get up early, and I do interim bathroom spiff ups during the week. But it's just me. I am in awe of how you manage this all every morning, for so many moving parts and people. Wow.
