Monday, August 14, 2023

Happy birthday, dear Minnie

 What a lovely little third birthday.

Although! It is important to note that Minnie does not want to be 3. 3, she says, is too big, and she is still tiny. So, she plans to be be 2 again this year. This sounds great to me, and I think I will stay 45 for a couple of years. **Shrug**

Her last pic as a 2 year-old on Saturday evening

Her silly cake and completely ridiculous cupcakes with Dora wrappers and a wild assortment of toppers she chose at the baking supply store.

We started her day with cake and presents at 7:30 am (and warned the big kids the night before that they were going to be on 3-year-old time)

Despite the cool temps and clouds, we hit family float day at the pool to keep the party going

My mom and my aunt sent Minnie some birthday cash, so she and I took a trip to Target to spend it

The karaoke machine! It’s hilarious, but WOW does she watch too many Disney movies

She picked the dinner spot, natch

We played with her new toys and read our favorite book before bed

A pretty perfect second second birthday


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINNIE. I am here for that cake and cupcakes, in fact I am coveting them both right now. Also I am desperate for a karaoke machine, how fun is that. SING IT GIRL. This sounds like a pretty perfect birthday, happy birthday to your mini Minnie girl.

    1. It was a very Minnie-centric day--we all loved it.

  2. So fun! This looks like a perfect celebration. That gingham dress - I want one in my size, please and thank you. And those ringlets. She is just adorable Sarah, and I fully support her plan to stay 2 for another year. I feel like if anyone can - through sheer force of will - defy the laws of nature it would be Minnie.

    1. The dress was Dorothy's because HOW COULD I RESIST?

  3. Happy, happy birthday to your darling Minnie! It looks like a perfect birthday, and her plan to stay the age that suits her is excellent! <3

    1. it's a very 3 year-old thing to decide not be 3

  4. Happy birthday! When my niece got a Disney karaoke machine for Christmas one year, we heard Let It Go approximately eight bazillion times, so I'm here with you in terrible Disney song rendition solidarity.

  5. Happy birthday to Minnie! Her lucky imaginary customers. Mom gets the shaft on ice cream! I have so few videos of Taco because he refuses to let me record him! He doesn't like pictures either so I have to catch him when he's not paying attention or when he's in an extra extra good mood! I love that everyone had to get on Minnie time for the day.

  6. OH HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! This looks like the perfect way to celebrate your never-three-year-old! What a cutie!

    Also, I love your bathing suit. Super cute!

  7. Happy birthday, Minnie! Look at those cupcakes!

  8. Happy birthday to Minnie! What an absolutely fun way to turn 3... er... to stay 2. I really like her logic!

  9. just go to Swivel UK! :)

  10. I never wanted kids, but oh, if I had? I would have hoped for a Minnie-like kiddo. What a joy she must be!!
