This week, Harry celebrated his one-month birthday by touring his parents' workplaces. The day before he turned one month, he went to campus where he and his mom met Maegan for lunch. Not only did Harry get to meet a couple of professors and secretaries, he also got his first taste of State Street and Memorial Union. Then, on Thursday, Harry and his mom met Harry's dad for lunch and took a tour of Dad's office. It was fun and exciting. Friday was another huge day for Harry, who went shopping at West Towne Mall for the first time, checking out BabyGap, Children's Place, Gymboree, and the Boston Store. Saturday, the whole family braved the extreme heat by driving around looking at cars all day, and Sunday, we all hung out at home, taking lots of naps and watching the Cubs game. All in all, a pretty fun week. Harry is especially excited because his grandparents are all coming to visit on Saturday, so check back soon for more pictures. And Harry wants to say congratulations to his Uncle Jon, who just got accepted to Seton Hall's law school and will be moving to New Jersey in August. Way to go, Jon!
Here's Harry listening to his mom read her favorite children's book, The Tawny Scrawny Lion.

Tummy time rocks!

Here's Harry sleeping after a walk in the stroller. Doesn't he look like his dad? Ben doesn't think so...

Harry napping on his dad and in his crib. Guess which one he likes better!

Having lunch with Mom at Memorial Union

Meeting his new friend Jeff

Harry being adorable and trying to eat his teddy bear

Harry using something besides his mom for a pacifier

Harry enjoying the Miracle Blanket-- his parents enjoy it, too!

I feel I'm getting acquainted with our beautiful Harrison through your blog...thanks Sarah and Ben,,,Bomma