Tuesday, June 27, 2023

First day of class; photo dump

On my way to my first day of my summer class, this looooong,  sloooow train poured past me for ten minutes. I kept taking pictures and texting them to Ben, who responded with more and more laugh emojis.


I turned my car around and hoped that the train had already trickled through an intersection by Union South and I could get through AND IT HAD, and I DID. But even after I got to my garage and parked, I could see it, still stopped. WHAT A CLUSTER.

As soon as I got to my office, I set a timer so I could do a quick work day brain dump and reacquaint  myself with my syllabus—the only problem with preparing early is that you need a little bit to remember what you did, you know? The first thing I noticed was a really stupid typo. I printed copies last week, though, and thanks to the slowest, longest train, I didn’t have time to make more. But I did have time to correct the error with purple pen. 25 times. Cool.

I was worried that the traffic snafu and the typo were bad omens, but my first day was a life affirming delight, and I am already sad that I only have 10 more class meetings with these awesome students.

How about a photo dump, so I can catch up? (I have been taking tons of pics but not sharing them very often because I have an online class at my school, an adjunct online class, an in-person class, and 5 kids taking my time and mental space, you know?)

Here is a picture of Ben recalling the plot of a Wonder Pets episode he has not seen in at least 8 years while I wondered what information has leaked out of his brain so he could remember that the baby chimp is in space.

I finally found time to take Minnie swimming when it was actually hot and I wanted to be in the water— fun for both of us.

She brought a few friends along

Dorothy joined us, too, and we had a really lovely afternoon. If it is going to 90 degrees, we might as well be in the water,

Ben even came to the pool MORE THAN ONCE this weekend. WHAT?

Dorothy and Cooper had another swim meet. Coop got ribbons in back and IM. Dorothy got a ribbon in fly, and their relays got ribbons, too. I love that for them. Ben got to try out his new tent and chair from Father’s Day, and he’d really like to develop an app so he could “bet on kids like they’re horses.” Erm.

I took some kids to my office to make the aforementioned copies, and I forgot how fun they always think it is— will do this more over the summer.
A baby bunny hopped into our garage and couldn’t get out, so Harry decided to lure it with carrots (WHAT), a plan that seemed plausible to Minnie (BUNNIES WUB CARROTS. THAT’S PERFECK) but made the rest of us give him the side eye. But I am a horrible person who thought I could scare it out by rattling the garbage cans it was hiding behind only my hands were full, so I kicked the can a little, and I broke a toenail and ruined a fairly new pedicure which serves me right. ONLY! I need to let the nail grow before I get another pedicure to fix it so I just have to walk around with gross toes, and really that’s too big of a consequence. THE BUNNY WAS FINE. While that nonsense was happening, I fed the girls lunch in muffin tins on the sidewalk because MOTY.

By way of closing (LOL— how to even try to gather all of these threads?) a few more pics of Minnie at the pool, which is quickly becoming my very favorite Minnie


  1. The ruined pedicure is a pretty stiff punishment for trying to rattle a garbage can! That's a little harsh, universe.
    My kids loved the Wonder Pets but I cannot recall a single plot point. I do remember the jingle though.

    1. the song is so catchy-- it's one of my favorite little kid shows, and I'm glad she's into it.

  2. That train! Omg!

    So glad your class is off to such a fantastic start. And I love the photos. The tent and chair for Ben is really awesome -- I bet he is the envy of all the dads.

    1. It was such a long train. Like, comically long. I really couldn't believe it.

  3. Oh goodness, this post had it all. The train! The pedicure/bunny (and Minnie's adorable reasoning about carrots being PERFECK). The pool looks amazing!! What great summer memories. And a muffin tin lunch - brilliant.

    I'm so glad the class is going well. Yay!

    1. I am actually all about the muffin tin-- will be doing this more often for sure.

  4. I should stop complaining about work... How are you teaching three classes in the summer and loving them and also... giving your kids a great summer! Kudos!

    1. Online classes are fairly easy to manage if you put the work in building them well, so it's all smooth sailing by this point. I just have the fun stuff to do (actually interacting with students).

  5. I'm so glad that your class is off to a good start. And it might be helpful for kids to see that adults make mistakes sometimes, too, and it's fine. I put my professors on such a high pedestal. It took awhile for me to feel comfortable going to them for help or to discuss something. And then when I got comfortable with that, it was only with my math professors (my degree is in math).

    My husband would probably sponsor the betting on kids like horses ap. ;)

    The pool pics look so fun! I am hoping to take my kids to the pool sometime this summer. This is where Will taking a nap makes things challenging, though. The pool admission is so steep (IMO) that I want to stay there long enough to get our money's worth... which I know is a frame of mind I shouldn't have when it comes to taking kids places. If would be different if we had a pool pass but we'd have to go too many times to break even. And our kids have early bedtime since our days start so early. So basically until they are heartier/can stay up later/don't nap, we won't be at the pool much. But they get tons of time at my parents lake home, which is also great.

    1. I would trade aaaaall the pool days for a regular nap. Gah. We have a membership, so I don't feel like each individual trip has to last long. It's worth it for us because of the swim and dive team and tennis courts and it was worth it for lessons when the big kids were little (Minnie can't start until she's 3). I, too, always think of admission prices for that stuff-- that's why we loved taking the kids to DC-- all the museums have free admission, so we didn't feel pressured to stay.

  6. Minnie at the pool is living her very best life.

    When I am struggling to give the dog a bath, I often find myself singing to her. It's almost always Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, or Garth Brooks. Now, I have a few questions about why my defaults when in a time of stress, as you know dog bathtime is, are all white men, but I mostly find myself wondering what I have given up learning to be able to sing "Livin' on a Prayer," "The River," or "The Thunder Rolls" with absolutely no prompting.

    Tommy used to work on the docks. The union went on strike. He's down on his luck. It's tough. So tough.

    The struggle is real. Could I possibly be fluent in another language? Or be a Microsoft certified expert? Or have read War and Peace? We'll never know.

    Gina works the diner all day. Working for the man, she brings home her pay for love. For love.

  7. EEK, the little girl tummy in the little girl swimsuit, how I miss it. And yes, I feel like the universe overcorrected on the garbage can thing. Also my toes are gross and I desperately need a pedicure.

  8. So much going on - and so many good things! Toddlers at the pool = everything in the summer. :)
