Monday, July 29, 2019

Gamma Nu Reuinion

In college, I had some amazing friends who got together on the 24th of every month to hang out and eat themed snacks.  This was out TWENTY YEAR REUNION summer, and 3 of them came to speech camp because they are amazing.  We met up in my very own hometown after camp, and another member of our made up sorority, Gamma Nu, (GN-- Girls' Night) joined us, too.  It was the perfect home-form-camp transition that I needed.

THE BEST SNACK EVER-- thanks to my mom for introducing it.

I missed these kids so much!  Suddenly everything was cute again

Back in my favorite place!!

she was supposed to be taking a pic of my friend

Gammu Nu pool day!!

Making sure our visitors experience the best of Madison

Beatrix, one of the girls

FaceTiming our fifth member

FaceTime hangs

Fancy dinner!

Till 2021, Gamma Nu!

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