Every week is a busy week when you grow and develop everyday like Harry does. He is TIRED at naptimes and at bedtime these days because he does so much when he's awake. Rolling, grabbing his feet, sucking his thumb, laughing like crazy when his mom dances (and we all know he's not the only one who does that), making new sounds, blowing raspberries-- wow!
Here he is kicking back on our bed with his favorite new accessory--- his sticky, spitty thumb. Last night, he shoved his whole hand so far in his mouth that he threw up a little-- which didn't stop him from trying to give me a big pukey kiss.

Here he is playing with his gym. We're shopping for a new one, so he doesn't get bored. Ben went to Toys R Us to check them out and came home empty handed. I was like, "Where's the gym?" and he was like, "They just didn't look that fun to me, man." Yeah. Because they're for INFANTS, not grown-ups. I asked him if he tested them out at the store, but he didn't give me a definitive answer...

Here's Harry with Al and Erica from the UW speech team. He loves it when Daddy coaches on Wednesday and Thursday nights because he gets to meet cute college girls.

Here's Harry in his Cubs track suit. Better luck next year...

Check it out-- Harry can sit up with only a little bit of support. Looks like he's floating on an ocean of couch...

Harry going for a walk with his Grandpa Dennis, whom he resembles quite a bit. Funny thing about our trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We left really early on Sunday morning because Harry woke up at 5:22, and we figured, what the heck, right? Well, Ben wanted to run to Starbucks and pick up our lattes while I gave Harry a little pre-trip snack. I argued that we should all go to Starbucks together when Harry was done eating, on our way out of town. Ben reminded me that the last time we all stopped at Starbucks on a road trip, Harry pooped in the parking lot, had to be cleaned up, and demanded that we stop in Monona (6 miles away) to feed him again. I said that was a fluke, so Ben reluctantly agreed to a family trip to the coffee shop. After I persuaded him to use an ATM that we normally don't go to and we got stuck behind an idiot in a Bronco who was making about 10 separate deposits, we got to Starbucks and Ben noticed that the car smelled funny. I refused to believe him and almost didn't check Harry's pants because I assumed Ben was just pissy about the ATM snafu and wanted to be dramatic. While I waited in the car for my grande-nonfat- Pumpkin- Spice- with- no- whipped-cream latte, however, I, too, noted a suspicious odor coming from the back seat. To be fair, Harry has had comically bad gas lately, but I got out, spread a disposable Huggies changing pad on the seat next to Harry's chair, and unbuckled him. As soon as I lifted him out of his carseat, I knew that the smell was not just gas. When I placed him on the changing pad, I discovered, much to my growing horror, that seedy orange poop was actually leaking out of his diaper and through his long-sleeved Oshkosh ones. I put him back in his carseat wrapped in the changing pad just as Ben neared the car balancing our drinks and lowfat muffins. He took one look at Harry, stared at me with narrowed eyes, and turned the car silently toward home. By the time we got home (4 blocks, tops), Harry's poop leaked all the way through the changing pad, soiling his seat. I ended up with poop on my shirt (which I almost sponged off, but then I thought it should be life rule to avoid wearing poop-stained clothes and changed); Harry got it in his hair, and Ben found some on his wedding ring-- a metaphor? I think not. Anywho, after we all changed our shirts and scrubbed and blow dried the carseat, we got on the road an hour later. The kicker (for me at least)? The reason I wanted to make Starbucks a group trip was that I wanted a HOT coffee. After the poopcapades, my coffee was decidedly lukewarm. But I digress. After we got to St. Chuck's, Ben and I left Harry with his grandparents (who, we have the sneaking suspicion, didn't want to see us, anyway) and had a lovely day date! Harry, as you can see went for a walk.

He also played with his cousin Max's cool gym and sat in his Grandpa's cool chiar.

Awww-- Harry's adorable little cousin Max sleeping soundly in his cozy chair.

Harry and Max eating (and burping) with their Mommies

Jen and Me switching babies. Harry was like, "Who's my mom holding?" and Max was all, "This is NOT my mommy." We switched back pretty quick...

I forgot how much fun it is to hold a teeny tiny baby

And now, a reprise of a popular captioning technique for your viewing/reading pleasure!
Max and Harry

Harry and Max

Max and Harry

Harry and Max

Max and Harry

Harry and Max

Max and Harry

Harry saying good bye to Grandma and Grandpa!

what a wonderful blog entry...I laughted out loud at the poopscapades...and the pcitures are wonderful...Bomma
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful blog entry...I laughted out loud at the poopscapades...and the pcitures are wonderful...Bomma
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful blog entry...I laughted out loud at the poopscapades...and the pcitures are wonderful...Bomma
ReplyDeletesorry about the multiples..I poked the "login" too often...Bomma