Here's Harry modeling a cute new sleeper that his silly parents bought in the wrong size. It fits, but barely!

Thanks for the cute overalls, Pat!

Here's Harry in bed with us-- that's his morning routine. He wakes up at 5 and then sleeps with us until 7:30 or 8.

Thanks for this cute number, Grandma Karen

One of the many pics I took of Harry during the course of a normal day. You can't see the pile of laundry that's on the bed waiting to be folded.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde anyone?

Here we are hanging out after Ben's home from work. Harry always has a big gummy smile for his Daddy.

Playing-- so much more fun now that Harry interacts a bit with his stuff.

So cute!

Cool-- an action shot.

It's hard to be a baby.

Some more playtime pics

Harry after a much-needed bath. Seriously, the next time you see Harry, sniff his head-- some BO underneath that sweet, milky baby smell!

Ben says Harry looks like Rocky in this robe. Harry knows when he's being patronized. No, actually he doesn't-- babies are so fun!

Harry is in love with this stuffed dog-- his second crush (after Cathleen)

Harry and Ben working on Ben's online class.

Just wanted to show you how chubby Harry's getting.

A good shot of Harry's dog love and his baby acne

Cuddling with Dad on lunch

Getting a lunchtime mani/pedi

Helping me set up my desk for a new school year

We'll post some more before our trip. We're looking forward to a fabulous, relaxing weekend with NO PLANS!! Well, maybe a trip to the new Babies R Us...
tried to send a comment this morning..reawlly can hardly wait to cuddle that darling little boy...bomma